Chapter 7

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Offset has been trying to convince me to tell everyone about the baby but I don't want to. Every chance he gets he corners me and tries to make me tell but each time I think it might be a good idea something happens to make me change my mind. Like last month when he bought me someone else's panties and just last week he had two girls fighting over him and one of them cut the other girl in the face with a straight razor. I don't wanna be involved with any bullshit he has goin on.

"Did you see that girl's face?" I asked offset. "She sliced her from her forehead all the way down her cheek."

"Okay, I see what you're saying cause that was some crazy shit." He said. "But the technically wasn't his fault. Both of those girls were crazy and the one who had the razor he never met before."

"So a stalker with a razor attacked his side piece and you want me to set him loose with a baby?" I asked.

"You really got your mind set on not telling him huh?" he asked.

"If I wasn't before I am now." I said.

"Man y/n come on be reasonable." He said.

"No leave me alone," he stepped around him and started down the hallways to get to the door. They were in the studio today so that meant that I didn't have to stay the entire time. All I had to do was make sure they all got here on time.

I rounded the corner and was about to head down another hallway to the elevator but I was stopped by Mr. Ball himself. I was walking so fast that I almost ran into him. He leaned against the wall and looked me up and down.

"You and your boyfriend done arguing?" he asked. I don't know what he was trying to get at but I could tell that he was salty about it. He was saying it like he was trying to start an argument with me.

"Excuse me?" I asked him.

"You and set. You always sneaking off together." he said.

I rolled my eyes. "We don't do that but either way it's none of your business." I went to walk around him but he stepped to the side and got in my way.

"It's not?" he asked.

"Um, no it isn' should get back to the studio cause you guys have work to do."

He snorted and rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

"So damn immature." I turned and left the building and as soon as I get outside I got a message from set.

Offset: you tell him

Me: no. he thinks that we're together

Offset: wtf

Me: right.

Offset: well you gotta explain it

Me: no

Offset what

Me: im not doing this. Im not dealing with this. If he wants to think we're together when we aren't then that's fine I don't really care. I don't have to explain anything to him.

Offset: really y/n

Me: I gotta go. I can't text and drive home at the same time.


She was right. He been pouting around and have an attitude with everybody all damn day and it's working my fucking nerves. Every time someone says anything he comes back with a smart ass remark. It got to the point where we all stopped talking to him all together and eventually he left.

"Man, what the hell is wrong with that nigga?" rel asked.

"I don't know." Quavo said. "He was like that when he woke up this morning."

"How do you wake up in a bad mood?" I asked.

"It's cause you stole his girl." Skippa said.

"What?" I asked.

"Y/N," Quavo said.

"Anytime he sees yall together he starts throwing a fit and having a attitude." Skippa added in.

"For what I'm not talking to her like that. We're friends." I said. "And she got some shit going on."

"And you helping her work it out huh?" rel asked with a smirk.

"It's not like that." I replied.

"He said the same thing and now his feelings hurt. That girl must be special." Quavo said.

"Man yall trippin...for real." I said. They continued on the same subject but I ignored them. They only saying that cause they don't know what's going on and I can't put her business out there to make them understand so I didn't say nothing else. She's gonna have to tell take what's going on cause if she don't it's gonna turn out real bad for all of us. 

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