Chapter 33

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I was trying to focus on what Armani's doctor was telling us but I just couldn't. I was too excited. Mani was coming home but there were instructions that the doctor was giving us for her at home therapy, how and when to give her the medications they prescribed. Tiffany was there and she was writing everything down but honestly, she was more distracting than the thought of getting to take her home.

"are you going to give me details now?" she said to me after the doctor left the room.

"details about what?" I said to her.

"the sex," she replied.

"this is like the worst time to ask about that." I replied. "and any way how do you even-"

"guys talk about the kinda stuff, and he talked about it with his uncle who told me about it like the gossiping 8-year-old that he is deep down inside." she said.

"So, everybody knows?" I asked.

"I don't know about everyone else, but honestly I feel jaded, because I should have known first." she said.

"what did you want me to do? Get out of bed and call you to tell you about it?" I asked her.

She shrugged. "that would have been nice."

"we can talk another time," I said. "a more appropriate time. Right, now we have something much more important to focus on."

"okay, we'll put a pin in it until later." she said. "but on a scale of one to ten."

"I haven't been with enough people to correctly guage that." I replied.

"aww come on, just for argument's sake."

"alright, ten, but can we talk about this later please." I said.

It took a few days for Armani to get used to being at home. We really had to take it day by day until we found a routine that worked for us. I didn't really use a nanny before this unless we were both out of town for work but now, we had to have a nanny with us almost every day.

Armani clung to me and liked to be held and when she was in the mood to be held Kj always got jealous and wanted to be held and I didn't have enough arms to go around.

"Ma!" kj threw his hands up as soon as he saw me come into the room and Mani was right behind him.

He got to me first because he was free to crawl over to me and Mani was sitting inside the jumperoo and she wasn't able to get over to me. I picked him up and as soon as I did, she started to cry. I went over and scooped her up and my other arm then waddled over to the sofa and sat down with both of them

By the time Kirsnick walked in they each had a handful of hair and they were pulling from each side of my head. When they saw him, they went from climbing all over me to both reaching for him. He grabbed Kj and sat him on his shoulders while he held Mani in his arms and walked around the living room with him.

They do this every time he comes home. They're gonna ignore me for the rest of the night.


Later that night, I was laying on my back with Y/N straddling my body. People would think that was the nasty one but it's really her. She wants it all the time, I'm not complaining at all, but I never seen somebody with so much stamina. Sometimes she'll let me take the lead and there are other times like this when I can just lay back and let her do all the work. It was so sexy watching her like this; eyes closed, lip biting, and her nails digging into my shoulders and chest.

"slower, slow down." I told her.

"she made a face and shook her head. "no,"

"What?" I couldn't stop myself from laughing which made her stop all together. she opened her eyes and looked at me.

"you really know how to ruin a groove," she said.

"a groove?" I asked. "you had a groove?"

"I was close." she leaned down and kissed me on the lips. "real close and you ruin it momentum."

"I'm sorry," I said laughing again.

She climbed off of me and went into the bathroom and started the shower. I got up and followed behind her. I wasn't done and a little change in scenery might be what we needed. 

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