Chapter 39

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To be honest I hate the fact that Kirsnick is famous. I love him, but I hate walking around and having cameras shoved in my face. I was just trying to go to the grocery store and people were taking pictures and stopping me to ask questions. At one point I turned around and there was a group of about 7 high school girls following me around. I had two guards with me and thankfully I left the kids at home with a nanny because if I would have tried to take then that would have been a complete circus.

"I told you just to send someone to shop for you." he said as he walked into the house with the last of the bag.

"you of all people should understand why I don't want to do that." I said to him. "i want me life to be somewhat normal. You'd think that going to the store wouldn't be something that I wouldn't be able to do."

"like I said you can always send someone to shop for you." he said. "or Walmart got that app thing that lets you buy the stuff and then they go and pick it up and then you just go get it. My mama be using that shit."

"watch your mouth." I said pointing over to the kids who were sitting in the middle of the living room floor.

"man, they don't even understand what that means." he said.

"you don't know that." I said to him.

"so, you never answered my question." he said.

"I just told you that I'm craving a normal life and you want me to go full out celebrity and walk with you down the red carpet."

He wanted all of us to go with him but I don't think an awards shop is the place for small children. they can barely sit through an episode of sesame street without throwing a fit. If I do go it'll just be him and I because the kids with never sit through that.

"you gotta show out." tiffany said as she walked around the chair, I was sitting in. I came to her to get my hair done for this event and now I'm starting to regret it because I could see in her eyes that she wanted to do some ridiculous shit.

She an amazing hair stylist but she works with a lot of celebs and also regular people who don't mind doing all kind of crazy colors but that wasn't something that I was into. I was a pregnant mother of two that didn't leave the house much as it is so this is really a onetime thing.

"Just consider it." she said.

"its not even going to match the outfit I got." she said.

"it doesn't have to match." she said. "think of it as a statement piece."

"and what statement am I trying to make with a full head of blue hair?" I asked her.

"that yes, you are a mom, but you're not like other moms. You're a cool mom." she said.

"that was a great mean girls reference." I said to her.

"that was really a once in a lifetime opportunity to use that in a conversation and I had to take it." she said with a laugh.

"is there any way that we can do this but make it temporary?" I asked her.

She clapped her hands together. "a wig."

"do whatever you want." I said to her. "and please don't have me out here looking crazy.

"have I ever done that?" she asked. "honestly, have you ever seen me do a bad wig no somebody?"

"you remember Trixie from the 11th grade?" I asked her.

"the one that use to strip on weekends but tried to lie and say she worked at a fast food place, yeah I remember her." she said with a nod.

"you remember the brown joint with the highlights that you did for her?" i asked.

"first off I was just starting off and I didn't own a wig head so I had to cut that while she was actually wearing it and the kept moving." I said.

"is that why the bob was crooked?" I asked.

"man whatever," she said rolling her eyes. "just trust me."

That's what I did. I trusted her and the end result was nice. A shoulder length electric blue bob that she styled in big curls. The outfit I was wearing was made just for me. But what I was most focused to was this damn red carpet. It looked like there were a million people there and a million cameras flashing at us. I held on to Kirsnick as he led me in the direction I was supposed to be walking. Every so often we were told to stop for pictures and we would answer questions.

I was rejoicing to get inside the venue and sit down because my shoes were killing me. They had us sitting in the front and apparently that was for a reason. I wasn't paying much attention to the program. This wasn't really a huge event like the Grammys or something. It was a smaller scale program that was more like an upscale dinner where they just so happened to be giving away awards. i don't know what this is to be honest. Now that I'm here I just want to eat and go home.

"did you have fun?" he asked with a smile as we were getting in the car to leave.

"I don't want to sound like a boring housewife or anything but I miss the kids." I said. He laughed and I did also.

"I do too man, that's how I feel all the time, but you know I wanted you to experience all of these things." he said. "it's like an experience of a lifetime."

"it is, but I'd much rather be at home eating pizza on the couch and watching cartoons." I said.

He smiled. "I love you. I really do."

"I know," I laughed. "we should stop at McDonalds or something cause that food was nasty. I didn't finish it so I'm still hungry." 

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