Chapter 34

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2 years later

After armani came home her recovery took nearly no times. It's like being in the hospital was what was keeping her in the same place for months but once she got home, she was recovering in leaps and bounds. Less than six months after she came home, she took her first steps, and she's been running ever since.

"You would have never thought that she was in the hospital recovering from brain damage a year and a half ago." tiffany said.

I sat in the bleachers watching Kj and Armani run around on the court in front of us. Their little jerseys hanging off of them like dresses.

"SO you guys pay money to sit outside and watch them run after the ball like that?" Quavo asked.

"it's a team of 2-5-year-olds, what did you expect?" I asked him.

he was sitting on the other side of y/n angrily eating his popcorn. It wasn't our favorite activity, but they need to get out of the house, and it was either this or a toddler swim team and y/n wasn't having that.

"So yall are literally paying money to have your kids run around in a gym for an hour," he said.

"Shut up." tiffany told him.

I looked over at y/n who hadn't really said much since we got here. Usually she would be the one going back and forth with my uncle but she was quiet. "babe you okay?" I asked her.

"you look sick." quavo said.

"you're such a jackass." tiffany said to him. "you okay girl."

"yeah," she sucked in a deep breath. "can I see this?"

She pointed at the bucket of popcorn in quavo's hands. He handed it over and no sooner that she did she leaned forward and threw up right in the bucket.

"i was still eatin that!" he yelled.

She got up with the bucket and started toward the bathroom with tiffany right behind her. "What the fuck," quavo said.

"imma buy you more popcorn you big ass baby." is aid as I got up and followed behind them.

After about ten minutes she came back out the bathroom with tiffany still behind her. She was pale in the face and this all looked too familiar. "oh my god," I said.

"What?" quavo asked.

Another baby. Two weeks later when we finally got a doctor's appointment, she told us that she was about nine weeks along. We're having another baby, with two 2-year-olds, and we just bought a dog about a month ago.

"damn, in a minute you're gonna have more kids than offset." quavo said.

I rolled my eyes at him. "man shut the hell up." 

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