Chapter 42

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I told Kirsnick that he could handle it, but I lied. I don't want to just let it go and I just don't want to sit on the side lines while my mother spirals out of control. Here I was sitting in my car across the street from one of the corner stores that my mother had been photographed in front of. I wasn't even supposed to be on this side of town but here I was. I took my old car because I didn't want to have too many eyes on me. all of Kirsnick's cars including the big truck that we use when we're moving around as a family caught too much attention. People know his cars and whenever we take one of his cars somewhere, we get followed and I don't want too much attention on my while I'm out here.

I had been sitting in the parking lot of this little store for over an hour before I finally spotted her. She was walking across the street headed in the opposite direction. I couldn't see her face because her back was to me, but I knew that it was her.

I put the car in reverse and pulled out of the parking lot. Catching up to her in the car was easy. I pulled up on the side of her and rolled the window down.

"mom," I called out to her.

She turned to look at me and her eyes went wide. "What the hell are you doing here?" she looked around and stepped closer to the car.

"I could ask you the same thing." I replied. "What the hell are you doing out here ma?"

"you know what I'm doing?" she asked me. she stood upright and made the same face I'd seen a million times. She made the same face when I told her I was pregnant with Kj and then again when she realized that I was going to keep him. She was disappointed, disappointed in me because I was here for her. "I'm minding my business, that's what I'm doing. Now get the hell out of here."

"I'm not leaving unless you come with me." I told her.

"I cant do that," she replied.

"and why not?" I asked her.

"it's none of your business. Now go home." She said.

"I'm not-"

"this isn't an option. I'm not asking you I'm telling you to get the hell away from here and don't come your hard-headed ass back up here no more." She said sternly before she turned and started down the street. i wanted to follow her but I knew that this would do more harm than good, so I just tucked tail and go home.

When I got home, I walked in the house and I could feel the tension in the air. I walked into the living room and Kirsnick was sitting there on the sofa. He looked over at me them looked away. He knew and now I was in trouble.

"I asked you not to do that?" he said. "we paying somebody to follow her and you don't think that they was gonna call me and tell me that he saw you on that side of town. You not even familiar with that area but you still went your ass over ther-"

"I needed to-"

"you needed to listen to me!" he shot up from the sofa. I've never seen him this angry. "you are putting yourself and our unborn child in harms way to check on her when it obvious she doesn't give a damn about anything not eve her own safety. What if something would have happened to you!? Huh!? Didi you even think about that? She wouldn't have been able to protect you. She probably can't even protect herself out there and you still went your ass out there anyway!"

"can you please stop yelling at me?" I asked him.

He stopped and took a deep breath. "you don't even fuckin understand how much time I spend worrying about yall when I'm gone. I think about yall all the time. I spend thousands more on security when I'm not in town than when I'm here. I want you safe and right now you're doing things that puts all of you in danger. I asked you the first time but now I'm begging you. Please stop chasing her. If shew ants help then she knows where to come, but until then you gotta let her do what she wants to do."

"the way you're worrying about me is the way that I'm worrying about her. you cant tell me that I cant worry about her." I said.

"I'm not trying to say don't worry about her. I'm saying that you cant drown yourself trying to save her from the decisions that she's making." He said.

"fine," I didn't have anything else to say tohim. I just turned and walked away. There was a small part of me that thought Iwould get away with that but I didn't think that he would get this angry. I don'tknow what I'm going to do next but I'm definitely not doing that again.

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