Chapter 28

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I was sitting in my chair at work spinning it round and around in circles as I watched the other hair dressers with their clients. This is the best and worst thing about being a celebrity hair stylist. I get to own a salon and not do any work, and my own clients pay so much for their hair that I only have to do I couple a week in order to make enough money to pay my bills.

I sat in my chair and watched as people came in and out of the door throughout the day at the end of the night I locked the doors and started cleaning. Everyone was in charge of leaving their own station clean but I always went back and swept the floor and straightened up after everyone was gone.

I was almost done when someone started knocking on the door. The entire front of the shop was glass so I knew that they could see me in here but it was uncommon for someone to come after we were closed and knock on the window trying to get me to open it.

I just went on with what I was doing and ignored the knocking but then whoever it was started beating on the glass like it was something wrong with them.

"What the fu-" I turned and et eyes with the person on the other side of the glass. "of course, that asshole would be the one knocking like he don't have no damn sense." I said to myself.

"open the fuckin door. It's cold out here!" Quavo yelled.

"why you standing out there with no jacket anyway ass?" I asked him.

"open the door!" he hit it again with his fist.

I unlocked the door and he stepped inside. I haven't seen him since the day that we argued in front of y/n's house but that doesn't mean that I don't want to punch him in his throat. He slipped his hands into his pockets and just stood there and looked at me.

"What are you looking at?" I asked him.

"Why you always have an attitude when I speak to you?" he asked me.

"because I've had heart burn since 11 o clock this morning and looking at you is making it worse," I replied. "now what do you want?"

"I wanted to talk to you." he said.

"for what?" I asked him.

He looked down at the floor then back up at me. "I'm sorry. When I found out about the baby my reaction was bad-"

"the worst,"

"but you gotta admit that you didn't help. Having my nephew tell me that shit instead of you doing it yourself"

"I didn't want to," I said.

"why?" I asked.

"cause I knew you would react the way you did." he said.

"i only reacted like that cause I was mad because you chose to go about telling me the way that you did." he said. "I'm sorry, I freaked out and I didn't know what to do."

"So you yelled at me?" I asked him. "and told me I was a liar."

"I just said my reaction was bad." he said to me.

"it was terrible." I said to him.

"let me make it up to you," he stepped closer and grabbed my hands.

I made a face. "and how are you gonna do that?" he gave me a sly smile and licked his lips.

"you still have that private room in the back right?" I asked him.

"you act like you haven't been here in years. You were here last month." he said.

He turned around and locked the door before he grabbed me by the hand and walked me into my private room. "I'm not giving you any -"

"stop playing like you don't want me." he said. I was still standing by the door holding the door knob and he came over to me. I wasn't wearing jean because the button pushed into my stomach and it was uncomfortable. He slipped them down to my knees and guided me to the shampoo chair that was set up in the corner. He pulled my yoga pants off completely and put my legs over the arm rest.

"this is not gonna make me forgive you." I said folding my arms over my chest.

He smiled at me. "we'll see about that."

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