Chapter 3

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Fast forward to three weeks later and here I am, lying on my sofa curled into the fetal position staring at the blank TV screen across the room from me. I don't really know what I'm supposed to do now. After I took the first test I went back to the store and bought four different tests, each one a different brand, I took them all and each one came out exactly the same. Positive. 

I grabbed my phone and dialed Tiffany's number. I put the phone to my ear and waited for her to pick up. "Hello?" she asked. She sounded like she was sleeping, but it was the middle of the night after all.

"Are you awake?" I asked her.

"Do you know what time it is?" she replied.

"I don't know, sometime past midnight I guess." I answered.

"Y/ something wrong?" she asked.

"Yeah," I confessed

I could hear her moving around on the other side of the phone. "What's the matter? You're not hurt are you?"

"C-can you just come over please?" I said unable to hold back the tears. it's cool to blame the crying on the hormones right. i'm not sad, i'm just kind of overwhelmed. so overwhelmed that all i can do right now is cry. 

"Yeah, no problem I'm on my way." She said before she hung up the phone. I dropped my cell down on the ground and turned my gaze back up to the television and continued to cry. It only took Tiffany about ten minutes to get to my apartment from her house, but it felt like I waited an eternity for her to get here. When she knocked on the door I didn't move, she knows where the spare key is. seconds later i heard the door swing open then bang shut right after.

"What's going on?" Tiffany asked as she looked around the room as if someone else was supposed to be there. She turned around and looked at me. "You look like you been hit by a truck."

"That's how I feel," I said to her. I closed the door and walked back into the living room.

"So did you wake me in the middle of the night just to summon me to an impromptu slumber party?" she walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa. I grabbed one of the decorative pillows I'd thrown on the floor and placed it in her lap before I laid down.

"I needed to talk to you...about him, and all that stuff." I said to her.

"Stuff?" she asked combing her fingers through my hair. She picked up a section and started a small braid. "Does that mean I'm getting details?"

"I still can't remember all of the details." I said to her. Tiffany laughed a little.

"So what is it that you want to talk about?" she pressed. "You can't remember the details but you want to talk to me about what happened."

"Yeah..." was all that I could manage to say in reply.

"I feel like there's something you're not telling me. What are you hiding?"

I got up from the sofa and walked over to the entertainment system where my TV was. I reached up and ran my fingers over the row of books that lined one of the shelves. I turned around and Tiffany was still waiting for me to answer her.

"He didn't give you something did he?" she asked. I rolled my eyes. "Do you have an STD?"

"No....well yeah, kind of...I-" I stopped and sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly. I could tell that I was confusing Tiffany and making the entire situation harder for myself. "I'm pregnant."

I stood back and watched her face go from suspicious to absolute shock. "You're have to be." She said.

"I really wish I was, but I'm not." I went back over to the sofa and threw myself down on the sofa next to her.

"Uh, have you told him?" she asked.

"I just took the tests like an hour ago." I answered.

"Test? You took more than one?" she pressed.

"Five," I pulled my legs up and sat down on the sofa with all of my weight leaning behind me on the arm of the couch.

"How did you take that many?" she asked

"That's not important right now Tiff, we have bigger fish to fry." I said.

"Right....what are you going to do?" Tiffany turned to mimic my sitting position on the other side of the sofa.

"I don't know...I don't know what I'm supposed to do."

"You should start by telling him, like right now. She pulled out her phone out of her pocket. I leaned forward and smacked the phone out of her hand.

"No!" I yelled. Telling him was the last thing I wanted to do. I'd worked so hard to not be one of those girls that looks like she hangs with famous dudes for an easy come up. If anyone found out about this I would probably lose all credibility and my reputation would be ruined. I'd never be taken seriously in the workplace or in public ever again. I'll just look like nothing more than a groupie baby mama.

"What the hell do you mean no?" she asked

"He's famous and one of my best friends," I said to her.

"You also slept with him and now you're pregnant. You gotta say something because it's not like he isn't going to find out about it." She said.

"Well he's going to figure out that I'm pregnant regardless of if I tell him or not, but that doesn't mean that I necessarily have to tell him that it's his." she narrowed her eyes at me.

"That's a bad idea," she said flatly.

"No, just listen," I said. "He's not ready to be a father and we all know that. We're not even in a relationship."

"So what are you saying?" she asked.

"I thought about it...and I think the best thing for me to do is to just raise the baby on my own." Tiffany rolled her eyes and looked away from me. "no just listen, i can have the baby and just raise it-"

"Okay," she said. "As your best friend I am completely obligated to tell you that this is a fucking stupid idea. You can't keep the guys kid away from him."

"And who's to say that he even wants the damned thing." I shout back.

"Thing?" she asked. There was a twinge of hurt in her voice. "Are you sure that it's him that doesn't want a child or is it you?" she challenged. I swallowed hard and started back at her. I hadn't thought about that, abortion was never something that I could see myself doing. I still can't, the only reason I'm choosing to have this child is because I feel like I have to.

"I...don't know." I admitted. "I really don't know what going on, and what I'm going to do.... I can't make all of these decisions right now!!"

"Don't lose your head Y/N." Tiffany sat back down and wrapped her arms around my shoulders.

"Don't tell me it's going to be alright. Say it and I swear I'm going to punch you in the stomach." I said. Tiffany laughed at me.

"Fine I won't say it. I think that this is too stupid of an idea to actually work anyway." She said. "But in the end it doesn't really matter what I think because this is your decision to make. Just know that whatever you choose I'm behind you one hundred percent."

"That's all I really wanted to hear." I replied

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