Chapter 40

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I was sitting on the sofa listening to the sound of banding pots in the kitchen. Kirsnick said that he was going to cook tonight but judging by the noise coming from the kitchen he was failing at making dinner. I turned and looked over the back of the sofa and I could see him reading the back of a macaroni box. I dont know what he was planning to make but right now it doesn't look good and wen might actually end up eating pizza.

"you need help?" I asked him. he looked up at me and shook his head.

"I got it," he replied.

Someone knocked on the door and I got up from where I was sitting on the sofa and went to answer the door. I was expecting to see Tiffany or maybe quavo on the other side hell I would have even thought that it may have been offset and cardi stopping by for one of their once in a blue moon visits but it wasn't. I opened the door and standing there was my mother, or at least what was left of her anyway.

My mother was always a sharply woman. I wouldn't go as far as calling her fat but if I'm being completely honest, she was a few steps away. She was wearing a large jacket, but I could see her entire collar bone peaking from underneath the shoulder of the jacket that was literally falling off her.

"Hey," she said in a shaky voice.

"hey mama," I said. I hadn't seen her since that last time she popped up and asked for money. The last time I saw her she didn't look at bad off as she does now. She's the skinniest I've ever seen her, and her face look sunken in like someone had sucked the life out of her.

"Hey," she said again.

"do you want to come inside?" I asked her.

She shook her head quickly. "you look like you're doing real good for yourself despite, the things that I said." She bit down on her bottom lip.

"you stopped by, but you don't want to come inside?" I asked her.

"no, no, I cant stay I just...I was wondering if I could borrow I couple dollars." She said.

She's asking for money again. She's not coming to see me, not coming to see her grandkids or anything. She just wants money. I went back into the house and I thought that she would follow me into the house but she didn't I went into my purse and grabbed all of the cash that I had, which was only about 80 dollars and went back over to the door.

I handed her the money and she smiled. She put it into her pocket and then she left. She just left just like that. She got into the car with whoever that was she was riding with and they left.

I went back into the house and made sure to lock the door behind me. Kirsnick had poured the macaroni into a pot and was watching it. He should have heated the water before he put that in there but I'm not gonna tell him anything I'm just going to let him cook.

"Who was that?" he asked.

"my mom," I replied.

"and she came and asked for money again?" he pressed.

"I need a favor from you," I said.

He snorted. "you know you don't need to ask me for a favor." He said. "just tell me what needs to be done and it'll get done."

"I'm need to hire someone to follow my mother." I said to him. "I really think that there's something wrong."

"you sure you wanna do that?" he asked. "I know you never talked a lot about her but from what I know of her is that she's not very nice."

"she isn't, but for her to come here twice and ask me for money, she aint have any other choice and if she's that bad off then I need to see about my mother before I'm having to bury her."

He nodded but kept his eyes on the pot. "I'll do whatever you need me to do."

"baby," I said to him.

"I know, I don't think I did this right cause it aint doin anything." He tossed the box down on the cabinet. "if I order pizza will you compliment me like I cooked it?"

I couldn't help but smile. I know he's just trying to make me laugh so that I won't worry but this guy is a real life goof ball. "sure, I will." I went over and kissed him on the cheek. 

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