Chapter 32

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That night I couldn't sleep. I knew there had to really be something wrong for her to come to me for money. Yeah, all of the rest of our family hate her, but for her to come to me instead of going to anyone else sadi a lot. She doesn't want anyone to know what's going on with her I know that much, but I have to figure out what it is.

"you gonna sit up all night?" takeoff was lying next to me peeking from underneath the covers at me. He was trying to shield his eyes from the light of the lamp on my side of the bed, but it wasn't working out too good for him.

"i can't," I replied shaking my head.

"you worry too much," he said.

"What do you mean, she's my mom, she not a very good mom, but she's still my mom." I replied.

"I'm not saying that you shouldn't be worried. I'm saying that you're getting yourself really worked up behind something that we can't really help unless she tells us what's going on." he uncovered his head so that he could look at me. I rolled my eyes at him.

"hey," he said. He rolled over from his back to his stomach and rolled his entire body onto mine. I was sitting up in the bed so he really just rolled over into the space between my legs. He got up on his knees and pulled me down so that I was laying on my back, and then he laid back down on top of me. "Don't roll your eyes at me."

"you're crushing me," I said.

"damn, I'm not that heavy." he replied.

"well you've never laid on top of me either so how am I supposed to know how heavy you are?" I said to him.

"well, I have, but you still playing like you don't remember." he said. He was talking about the night we first slept together. He still thinks that I'm not telling the truth about being too drunk to remember what happened that night but I was and I don't remember 90% of what happened that night.

"I don't remember," I replied.

"I can help you remember," he said.

"Really? How?"

I'm not even gonna lie, I'm terrible at catching hints. So terrible in fact, that I didn't even realize that he was dropping hints. I thought he was making a serious statement, but I realized that he was getting at something completely different when he leaned down and started placing kisses on my neck.

"oh," was all that i could get to come out of my mouth. The pajama shorts that I had on were so short that he had no problem moving them to the side and getting at what was underneath. My brain was already overloaded by him kissing me and now my scrambled brain was trying to concentrate on what he was doing with his hands. He was rubbing me through my underwear with one hand and had the other slipped underneath my shirt.

With one swift moment he moved my panties to the side and slipped one finger inside me. "OH, okay." I sucked in a deep breath. "okay, babe it just crossed my mind that we haven't done this sober and I don't have a whole lot of experience, on account of the fact that I've only done with two other times before and-"

i was talking so much that I didn't notice when he'd taken his hand from under my shirt and placed it over my mouth. "you're nervous, I get it, but all that talking can really ruin a moment." he said.

I nodded. "I get it but I don't really know-"

"just relax." he started to kiss me again.

He went back to what he was doing before I interrupted with my rambling. He pulled my clothes off piece by piece along with his own and I could feel myself getting more and more anxious. He positioned himself on top of me and pushed my legs apart as he entered me slowly. He kept his strokes slow and steady like a heartbeat, I'm guessing because he was trying to make sure that I was comfortable.

"Kirsnick," I called out to him. "nick,"

"you okay? Do you want me to stop?" he asked.

"no," I said to him. "faster, please, go faster."

He put his hands behind my knees and held them up as he pounded into me sending shockwaves of pleasure through me with every stroke. you'd be right to assume that with my lack of experience with sex it would be safe to assume that I don't know what an orgasm feels like, but I do. I mean, I've given them to myself many times over, but it was nothing compared to this. My whole body locked up and I felt like I was paralyzed, but in the best way possible.

Afterwards all I could do was lay there and stare up at the ceiling. "y/n?" kirsnick pushed my arm trying to get my attention. He'd gone into the bathroom and when he returned, I was still laying in the same spot.

"what?" I asked him.

"I was just making sure you didn't die of a heart attack or something." he said.

"No, I'm good." I sucked in a deep breath then let it out slowly.

"relaxed?" he asked.

I nodded.

"alright," he said clapping twice like a basketball coach. "you ready for round two."

I lifted my head off the bed and looked at him. "round two of what?" he shook his head and laughed a little before he lifted me from the bed and threw me over his shoulder.

"I see you got a lot to learn." he said as he carried me into the bathroom. 

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