Chapter 45

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Chapter 45

Yvonne (y/n's mother) POV

I hate myself. I hate the things that I do and I hate the fact that I had it all then I lost it all because I couldn't stop this thing. This beast, the monster inside me that feels like it's taken over my entire life. I don't feel like myself anymore and I shouldn't because the woman that I once was would never let herself be degraded like this.

"you like this shit huh?" he asked me. It took everything inside me not to vomit. I stared up at him as he lay on top of me sweaty and out of breath. He shouldn't be sweating, we've only been going at this for about five minutes and he's dripping sweat like we're running or something. I don't like this at all. I hate it but it's something that I have to do in order to get what I need.

He finished and threw a handful of crumpled money on the bed before he walked out of the room. 40 dollars was all that he left but hell I was in no position to argue with him. I was lucky he left that. I got up from the old dirty mattress I was sitting on and dressed myself before leaving the house complete.

Daniel would bring me to houses like these. It was in our younger days and we would come to houses like this to collect money from guys that owed him for one reason or another and I always looked down on the women that hung around here. They were half dressed, and if their bodies weren't practically nonexistent from years of drug use then they were misshaped and not made for the skin-tight clothes they all wore. I would judge them and laugh at them once we left saying "what the hell do you have to go through in order to be out here selling your body for drugs?'

It's funny how life can come full circle on you in ways that you would never imagine. I used to laugh at the women and now im one of them. To be clear im not fucking for drugs. I have to do what I gotta do because I owe some money to a man who is real dangerous and regular jobs aint easy to come by when you're like me and have absolutely no discernable skills.

"you got my money?" was always the first things he asked me when he saw me. I handed him what I made and he looked at it as if it was trash. I was into the small living room and sat down on the sofa next to him. Chop wasn't a nice guy at all but he gave me the things that I needed and at this point that's all that mattered.

"why you continuing to play with me like this?" he asked.

"like what?" I replied.

"like I was never gonna find out your secret?" he asked.

"what secrets. I don't keep no secrets from you." I said to him. He turned to me with a tight jaw.

"you playing with me like I wont punch your lyin ass in the mouth bitch." His tone was dark and his eyes were even darker. The only reply that was for me to move away from him to the other end of the sofa. "why you aint tell me your daughter got money? She set up over there, three kids...a rich rapper for a husband."

"I don't talk t my daugh-"

He jumped up from the sofa and charged at me. "fuck I tell you about lying to me!? If you don't talk to her then why they coming out here to come see you?"

I was quiet. There was nothing that I could say. I wish they wouldn't have coming here. They weren't supposed to fuckin come here because I didn't want him to know about them. He didn't need to know who they were and now that he does he aint gonna do nothing but use that against me. I watched him sit back down on the sofa.

"that's what I thought." He said. I watched him pull a cigarette from his pocket and the look around the room for a lighter. "you owe me money, and they got money, so I'm not understanding why it's taking so long for you to pay me back."

"but baby i-"

"baby me ass bitch, you might give good head but don't get it confused. I don't want your old ass like that." He laughed. "baby, the fuck you thought this was. What imma do with a old bitch like you."

"then why am I here?" I asked him.

He stopped and looked at me. "I'm not gone keep telling you about that smart ass mouth you got."

"sorry," I replied.

"you here cause you belong to me. Don't get it twisted thinking this some kids relationship cause it aint. I see you when I want, I fuck when I want, and long as you owe me money you'll do what the fuck I say. Understand?" he picked up a lighter from the floor and lit the cigarette. "now, me and you needa have a talk and figure out how you gone get me my money cause im tired of waiting on you."

"I don't have a job but I can-"

You can get the money from your daughter." He said simply.

"she aint just gonna give me not no money like they. Me and my daughter don't have a relationship like that." I told him.

He shrugged. "do it look like a give a fuck?"

"I cant just go there and ask then for money-"

"look, either you ca get me my money or I can have some of my people pay your little girl and your grandkids a visit the next time that man of hers go out of town....its your choice, but I aint gonna wait on my money too much longer."

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