Chapter 48

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Yvonne Y/N's mom

It was the middle of the night and both of the kids where standing at the end of the bed looking at me. They were supposed to be sleeping and I was doing a good job at sleeping myself until I felt someone tapping me on my legs. I sat up on the bed and was met with two little sets of eyes looking back at me.

"What?" I asked them.

"Snack," Kj replied.

"it's the middle of the night."


"no snack go back to bed."


I rolled from underneath the covers and picked Armoni up and held her in one arm before reaching for Kj's hand. I've seen Y/N carrying both of them at the same time and Kirsnick has his own way of holding them, usually he holds one on the hip and lets the other sit on his shoulders, but I'm too old for that shit. I can hold one child and one child only. He walked them back upstairs and put them back to bed then came back downstairs to the guest room.

I got back in the bed and before I could settle in and fall back asleep all I heard was. "Nana. Snack."

I sat up again and they were standing right there in the same spot.

"one cookie and that's it."

I walked into the kitchen listening to the sound of little feet following behind me. I went into the cabinet and grabbed two Oreos out the pack and gave each of them one. Kj looked at the cookie before he split it in two and took a bite of one half. Armoni on the other hand just shoved the entire thing in her mouth.

I don't know who her mama is but she must have been a special kind of hood rat. Either that or Armoni is just greedy cause she always eats like she's never had food before. I stood there and waited until both of them were done eating and they just stopped and looked at me.

"What now?"

"juice?" Armoni said holding her hands up.

"i said one cookie not juice."


"yall better not pee in those beds either cause yall gonna be in trouble." I made each of them a cup of juice the way their mam does. She said regular juice is too much sugar so she just puts a little juice at the bottom of the cup and fills the rest with water. It's a shame she got these kids thinking that juice comes out the spout on the fridge.

After their just I walked them back upstairs again. I got them back into their beds and waited until they were both sleeping before I left the room. Before I went back downstairs, I stopped and turned around.

"I like this," I said out loud.

"you like what?"

I turned around and kirsnick was standing in the hallways. "What you sneaking up on me like that for?"

"i always check up on them at this time." he replied.

"hmm, I didn't know that." I replied.

"nobody does," he replied. "so, what were you saying you liked.

"this family stuff," I replied. "I never did this with Y/N, put her to bed and stuff."

"well maybe this is your second chance." he poked his head into the room then turned and disappeared down the hallway into the darkness of the hallway. I heard the door to their bedroom close and I went back down to my room. Maybe this is my chance to start over. I could have a quiet life for once instead of the chaos that I created for myself, but how would I do that with Antonio hanging over my head like this. He'll make sure I never rest easy while I owe him anything.

I climbed back into my bed and laid my head on the pillow. Y/n is so nice and her kids love me like I been around their whole lives, and that boy is alright. They complement each other and I'm so happy that she found someone good for her.

My phone started to ring and I picked it up from the nightstand.

"I'm still working on getting what you asked for." I said into the phone. I didn't have to look to see who it was because no one would call me this late except for him.

"bitch, say hello to me when in call you." he said laughing but I knew that was a joke only for him. If I would laugh right now it would be the end of me.

"I'm sorry,"

"you know me well don't you. You like to get right to the point."

"i guess I do."

"you guess? You better guess you ass out this way with my fuckin money before bad shit start happening to you." he said. "you don't want nothing bad to happen to them little grandkids huh? It would be sad especially since that little girl is slow."

"don't talk about them. She's not slow." I told him.

"who you think you talkin to? You act like I won't come over there and knock you in your teeth in front of all them. I'll talk about who the fuck I want, now like I said get me my money. I'm getting real tired of waiting on you."

He hung up I my face after that. I put the phone down on the nightstand. I should wish I could leave. I wish I could just pack my shit and leave but that won't do nothing to help me. Knowing him even if I leave here he'll still try to come after him until I get him what he wants.

"you gotta do what you gotta do." I said aloud to myself.  

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