Chapter 54

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Author's Note:

hey guys!! it's been too long since i last updated. work is extremely busy now that the holidays are in full swing but i've been working on updates for you guys and hopefully i will be able to update more often than i have been in the recent weeks. anyway, enjoy this next chapter and i look forward to hearing you predictions on what you think will happen next. :D


I sat down in the corner with my back against the wall as I watched them moving around the room. I thought that when I left it would be the last time I would have to be here. The last time I would have to see him, talk to him, or take in the smell of this dirty fuckin house.

"did you do what I told you?" he screamed at me.

He was sitting on the sofa holding Kj on his lap. We made an agreement that he wouldn't do shit like this. He would leave my grandkids in the back bedroom and let me take care of them. I don't want them to know him. I don't want them to know his face. It's the only reason I came back here. It took my about two weeks but I was able to find where he was hiding. I came here and I begged him for hours until he finally gave in. He said he would keep the kids until he got what he was asking for but he would let me care for them at the place of his choosing so that they would have something familiar to comfort them while they were not at home.

We made an agreement but at the end of the day none of that mattered. He would do whatever he wanted and he was showing me this now. I delivered the letter to the mailbox like he asked me to and he still wasn't happy. Yeah, their dad was rich but that wasn't just the kind of money that you could pull out of your ass. It would take time for them to get it but they weren't dealing with a patient man.

I fed the kids lunch and put them had just put them down for a nap when my phone rang. I hadn't seen y/n's name pop up on my phone since the night he took the kids from them and she was only contacting me to call her every name in the book before telling me never contact them again and hanging up in my face.

she told me to meet her at the house and then she hung up again. I got here before them so I sat down on the front steps. I saw the car pull into the driveway and she must have kirsnick with her and judge by the way the car screeched to a halt halfway down the driveway he didn't know that I was here.

I sat there for a long time waiting for someone to get out of the car and after what seemed like forever they finally did. Y/N was the first out but kirsnick was too far behind. I looked up at the both of them and from where I was sitting, I felt so small. All of this was my fault and I should have left when I had the chance.

"Don't you wish you would have let me go?" I asked him. He was only steps behind y/n but I knew he was that far away because he didn't want to talk to me. He glanced up from his feet and looked at me.

"What are you talking about?" y/n asked.

"When you were in labor, I was going to leave." I said to her. "I was just gonna come back here and get what little stuff I did have and then I was gonna leave."

"I don't think that this is what we came here to discuss." he said.

"I was just asking you a question," I said to him.

"Well, let me ask you one," he said. He moved forward and in the blink of an eye he was standing right in front of me. I thought he was going to hit me. It would have been the first time someone hit me so I was expecting it.he didn't though he reached down and grabbed me by the shirt and lifted me up from where I was sitting on the step. "we opened our home to you. Welcome you. We trusted you. Why the fuck didn't you tell us what was going on? We could have helped. I could have just given you the money but you didn't fuckin say nothing and now the kids-"

He dropped my shirt and stepped away from me. That's when I saw that it was because y'n was pulled him. He's almost like a guard dog, reacting when he thinks that there's a threat, and only backing down when she says.

"we didn't come here to talk about what we could've done or what she should have done." she looked at him and then over at me. "I know that you know where the kids are, and this is how this is going to work. You tell whoever you gotta tell that we'll give them whatever they want but we want the kids. Set it up. We'll met them wherever they want and bring the money, all cash no questions. They give us the kids and they'll get whatever they asking for."


"set it up and when he makes his decision you know where to contact me, until then please keep your distance."

"i nodded. "whatever you want," I replied.

She nodded and then walked away from me. I stood and watched them get back into the car and drive away. They're just gonna give up that kind of money. I know they're rich but money doesn't grow on trees and ever since this happened all business with the group has been at a standstill.

I don't know what they have planned or if there is even a plan. They might just be doing exactly what they say, giving him what he wants to get the kids back, but then again there is something about her words that leads me to believe that the truth isn't all there.

"you sure are your father's daughter little girl, cause lord know you didn't get that fearlessness from me." I spoke aloud.  

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