Chapter 27

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It's been six months and for the past six months I've watched my nephew change from someone who didn't care much abuot anything to a man who lives and beraths every moment for his two kids. Well I don't really know about that little girl but Jr looks just like him from the top of his head to the shape of his toenails. That other girl feefee or whatever claims her daughter looks like her and it aint really my buisness but I don't think she does....and if im being honest shes a little bit ugly.

"you gone make them be quiet or what?" I asked from the sofa. They were both crying and takeoff was in the kitchen doing something. I don't know what he doin but he needs to come get these kids.

"I cant feed em both at the same time." He walked over and handed me a bottle.

"no man, I don't do babies I told you that before," I said.

"can you stop with the stupid dream shit?" He asked. "just help me."

I rolled my eyes and took the bottle from him. He was walking over to me with mani in his arms like he wanted me to take her but I jumped up off the sofa and scooped Jr up off the floor. I already don't like kids and all that little girl does is screech like a dying eagle, and she throws up almost everything she eats. Takeoff calls it a reflux, but I'm not trying to get throw up all over me.

"it isnt a stupid dream. Every time I come around a baby a have a dream about something bad happening whenever I get asked to help with it." I replied. They make fun of me for it but I have that nightmare all the time. Kids scare me man, they're so small and fragile. That's why I don't want none. I'm too scared to hurt them.

I like Jr, he's a funny little kid and he's always making faces and laughing when you talk to him. Armani only screams. She cries all the time, we could have just fed her and changed her and everything and shes still going to sit there and scream like something is wrong with her.

"nephew let me ask you a real ass question," I said.


"you trust that girl?" I asked him. He looked up at me and I could tell that he already knew what I was getting at.

"I did at one point." He replied eyes fixed on Armani. "you know when I first seen jr I got this feelin like I'd known him my entire life. We just connected. I feel close to him....i don't feel close to her the same way that i do him. At first, I thought it could have been cause I hate her stupid damn mama but,"

"the doubt," I said. "I can see it. You wonder why she don't look like you. Certain things start not to add up and that makes you wonder even more.....there is a way for you to get rid of the doubt for good."

"I talked to her mama about it and she swears that she's for me-"

"her mama wears a purple wig, and it aint even a good one. You cant trust a damn thing that girl says." I said.

"What does her wig have to do with anything?" He asked.

"anybody who will lie to themselves about some ugly shit like that will lie about anything." I said. "if you got a doubt test her. You got a right to know for sure."

"and who's gone protect the cars when her mama find out?" He asked.

"I'm telling you right now, she paint my truck again and imma knock her teeth out her mouth," I replied.

"who teeth?" I looked up and my sister was walking into the room with my grandmother right behind her.

"your son's babymama," I replied.

"I didn't raise you to put your hands on women." My mama said to me.

"I'm not talking about y/n. I'm talking about the other one." I said.

"I still don't want you hitting no female." My mama sat down next to me and took Jr right out my arms bottle and all.

"I'll do it," my sister said.

"nobody is fighting anybody." My mama said loudly. "what yall talking about anyway?"

"nothin," takeoff said quickly. "he just still mad about his truck."


We had to do this so that nobody would find out about it. We got a home dna test from the drug store and it wasn't hard to get Armani from her mama seeing as how she just shows up whenever she wants and drops her off. I don't even know why she had her cause she don't ever spend time with her. We had to send the swabs off with a money order and they would send the results back once they were tested. I feel bad for doing this behind feefee's back but it's easier than having to deal with the drama she always brings when we talk to each other.

"you gonna feel better once you know." Quavo said.

"if she's not for you then you can get rid of her dumb ass mama once and for all and if she is nobody aint ever gonna know but the three of us." Offset said as he held his hand out for me to give him the envelope. He put the stamps on and I watched from the backseat as he got out and walked into the post office to drop the box off. It only took a second. He went in dropped it off and then came right back out and got in the car.

"all we gotta do now is wait," I said.  

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