Chapter 26

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I leaned on the counter and watched kirsnick adding dry formula to the bottle in his hands. He screwed the lid onto the top of the bottle and he shook it. When it was all mixed together he opened the bottle and took a sniff of the formula.

"is this seriously supposed to be milk?" He asked.

"that's what the can says." I picked up the can and looked at it.

"I don't even see how he can drink this." He said.

"taste it," I dared him.

He took the top off of the bottle again, took a sip, but quickly spit it into the sink. "what the hell is this? It don't taste like milk at all."

"I mean it has a bunch of other stuff in it." I said.

"this is nasty. I don't even want him to drink this. You can't make him no milk with your..." He pointed at his chest like I would get mad at me for saying it. Breastmilk, he was talking about breastmilk but he was acting like he couldn't just say that.

"I don't make enough milk for that." I said to him. I took the bottle from his hands and started toward the room. Takeoff sped walked past me to get to the room before I did. Jr. Was laying in his bassinet still sleeping. When it was time to name him at the hospital takeoff wouldn't agree to anything other than naming the baby after him. He said that it was his first son and he wanted his son to have his name.

Takeoff got to the bassinet before I did and by the time I get there he was standing there holding the baby waiting for me to give him the bottle.

"you're not feeding him." I said

"why not? He asked.

"because you fed him the last time. It's my turn." I said to him.

"you been hoggin him all day." I held my arm out but he moved the baby away from me and stuck his hand out for me to put the bottle in his hand.

"can you just let me feed him?" He asked.

"I wanna see you this excited the next time he shits." I handed him the bottle and he sat down on the bed.

Jr was staring up at him waiting for the bottle to be put in his mouth. Takeoff is really good about keeping up with the feeding schedule, which is one of the reasons why he's always feeding him. I don't like to wake him up when he's sleeping because I don't like for him to cry, but his father has no problem with it. He'll wake him up no matter how long ago he went to sleep and feed him then rock him for until he falls back asleep.

"When are you going back to work?" I asked him.

"I don't want to leave you guys alone." He replied. I reached over and fixed jr's hat on his head.

"you think I'm not able to take care of my baby without you?" I asked him.

"you can," he answered. "but I just gone wanna go out of town and then something happen. You might need something and im not in town. What are you going to do?"

"I have people to help me." I said to him.

"I don't have to go back to work. I can stay with him and you can go to work." He said.

"you know I work for you right? If you don't go back to work I technically don't have a job." I replied.

"everything is fine, I can do the shows and appearances in town until he's a little older. I don't want to go out of town yet....i don't want to miss anything." He said. He took the bottle out of his mouth and looked to see how much was left in the bottle then put him on his shoulder to burp him.

"you arent going to miss anything," I said to him.

"he does something different every day. If I leave im sure to miss something important." He said.

"kirsnick, he's not even 2 months old. He not gonna get up and start walking tomorrow if you fly out to do a show." I said to him.

"he might," he said.

I laughed and so did he but er were in mid-laugh when his phone started ringing. He pulled it phone his pocket but rolled his eyes when he laid eyes on the screen. I already knew who that was because the only person that he reacts like that when they call is feefee. He put his phone to his ear.

"What Fiona?" He asked.

Fiona? I don't know what I thought he name might have been but I would have never guessed that it was Fiona.

"bruh if I come up there and you pulling the same shit you did the last time it's gonna be me and you bruh." He said. He hung up the phone and looked at me. I held my hands out and he handed me the baby.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"go, you need to be there. Get your ass out of here." I said. He smiled apologetically and leaned forward and kissed my cheek. I could tell that he wanted to apologize again but he didn't. He got up and put his shoes on and he left.


FeeFee called me from the birthing center she was having the baby at but when I got there they didn't want to let me in the damn room. They're talking about she requested to be alone in the room to optimize the peaceful atmosphere. I don't know what the fuck that means but I should be able to be in there. I mean why did she even fucking call me if she didn't want anybody to be here.

I waited damn near all day and I was finally allowed to come into the room and see her and the baby. When I walked into the room she was laying in the bed on the phone not even paying attention to the baby. I went over to the bassinet and the baby was laying there with her eyes wide open looking around the room. I picked her up and held her in my arms.

"her name is Armani Dior." Feefee said. "isn't it cute, so designer."

"Armani Dior ball-"

"oh no, she has my last name." She said still looking at her phone.

"What?" I asked.

"It sounds better." She said.

"you kept me out of the room, you didn't give her my last name....why am I even here?" I asked her.

"she's for you," feefee shot back.

I rolled my eyes but kept my mouth shut. I didn't want to argue with that idiot right now cause it wasn't the time or the place. I spent a few hours there before I left. I'm going to come back tomorrow but I honestly cant stand being around the girl any longer than that. I'm going to go back tomorrow but its three in the morning and I been sitting in the waiting room since about 11 that morning. I'm tired and I want to go home, maybe tomorrow will be better but for right now I need to get home and get away from feefee before I knock her head off her damn shoulders 

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