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Rosalina’s POV

I have immediately rushed to the hospital after the call where my little niece is.

I just can’t believe it, that my sister and my niece got into an accident. I have never thought that I would ever lose her.

My sister Maria was my not only my sister, but also my best friend and the one person who would always help me.

But honestly, I don’t even realise what happens around me and I can’t get my head around that I won’t ever see her again.

“Hello, I’m Rosalina Alvarez, a doctor called me and said that my niece Julia Alfaro. She got hear after a car accident.”

The woman at the front desk smiles at me. “Goodnight, let me check real quickly where she is right now. Ahh, here it is.

Your niece it on the second floor, the paediatric ward, in the second room on the left. Mr Alcantara is there already."

I follow her instructions and open the door to the room. In there I see a boy holding my little sleeping niece.

“Ähm…hello, I’m sorry but who are you?” He quickly turns around and looks pretty shocked. “H…hi, I’m Rafinha Alcantara. I’m the godfather of this little girl here. May I ask who you are?”

“Oh I’m her godmother, I’m Rosalina Alvarez. So I guess who were somewhat connected with my broth in law, Marcus?”

He smiles and puts Julia down on her bed. “Yes, he was my best friend. I just can’t believe he is gone. Just yesterday we were playing video games at my house and now he is dead.”

“I get what you feel, it’s the same. Maria was my sister, she was my rock, the only family I had. Now there is only Julia and me.”

I sat down during talking and now look down at my fiddling fingers. Suddenly I feel an arm around my shoulder.

“Come here. I’m here for you if you need me. I know, we only know each other for some minutes, but I think they didn’t choose us to be Julia’s godparents without a reason. Everything will come out fine. I will try my best to look after you two.”

I turn to Rafinha and hug him really tight. “Thank you” “De nada” We sit there for a while till Julia lets out a piercing cry. I want to get up, but he pushes me back down and gets up himself.

“Hey, princess. Your uncle is here, and look there is your aunty too. We will look after you now. And your parents will look after you too. They will sit up there on the clouds and will look down proudly.”

I just smile at his sweetness. He rocks her back to sleep and sings her a lullaby. But when she is asleep again, he doesn’t put her down on her bed, like I have expected.

Instead he goes back to the chair beside me and sits down. He moves Julia around, so that he can hold her with one arm and puts the other around me again. I lean against his shoulder and look down at my sleeping niece.

I know, it is really short, but it is just the beginning. I hope you like it so far and I really would love to hear your opinions. :)

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