7. Chapter

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Rafinha's POV

During the whole ride I look at Julia and think how I will be able to look after a little baby. I just can't imagine me looking after her and still having the hectic life of a footballer.

"Thi, how exactly did you see me watching Julia? You know I have trainings every day and I really don't have any time left to look after a little baby."

"Well good then that YOU aren't watching her." I let that sink in but when I realize what he has just said, Thiago has already left the car to get Julia from her car seat.

I get out of it quickly and race after my brother who is carrying my little princess into the house. "Wait, Thi!" But he doesn't listen to me.

"Thi! Thi! Thiago!" He finally turns around to look at me and waits for me to talk to him. "What do you mean, I'm not going to look after Julia. If you forgot I'm still her godfather. I am not you."

He sighs and looks at me with an expression which shows how sorry he is for what he says to me now.

"You know, Rosalina really didn't want to leave Julia with me, actually she likes me but she doesn't want Julia anywhere near you. So I had to promise her that I will watch this little cutie and that you won't. And like you said earlier you don't have time for that anyway."

With that Thiago turns back around and enters the house. I stand there frozen, how can he do this to me. My own goddaughter lives in the same house as me and I'm not allowed to care for her.

I can't believe it. Who does Rosalina think she is? She doesn't have the right to do something like that. I stomp inside too and look for Thiago.

I look everywhere and when I go upstairs I see him in his bedroom. He is leaning over the sleeping form of Julia laying in his bed. As he hears me, he turns around and when he looks my angry expression he shoes me outside.

He turns back around, kisses Julia's forehead and follows me out the room. He closes the door carefully and leads me downstairs. "

So what's up bro? What happened that you are so angry? Did your nail broke or something?" He laughs but honestly I don't feel like laughing right now, even though it is funny.

"How dare you keep my own godchild from me? You know very well that I have custody of her and not you, so you can't keep me away from Julia."

"Well little bro breaking news to you. You neglected her all the time and now you suddenly want to care for her. And I think no judge would ever give custody to a man who didn't even care to visit the child once in weeks or not even called to hear how she is doing after losing her parents.

You know what you are disgusting. Rafinha you know I love you with all my heart, you are my little baby brother, but you have to learn how to take over responsibility. You are 22 man, others already have a little family at that age, you don't even have a girlfriend.

Look at Neymar, he was only 19 when he became a dad, but he never ran away from the responsibility of having a baby. So don't you be angry at me for caring for my little niece."

With that he goes back upstairs and I slump down on the couch. I really don't know what to do. I want to win back Rosalina's trust but I don't know how.

I sit there for what feels like hours when I rewind the conversation with Thiago. He is right, sure he is since he is my older brother.

I need to be more responsible. I don't need a girlfriend or anything, I just need to show everyone that I can be responsible. Just when I decide that Neymar comes to my mind.

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