13. Chapter

997 39 11

Rafinha's POV

It has been some weeks since Rosalina has moved to live in my house. And now she has finally gotten rid of the casts and can begin working again. I don't know why but she has been completely enthusiastic about starting again. 

Nonetheless I want to spend the morning with her till she leaves. So against all my habits I got up early and get ready so I can make her breakfast. But when I go down the stairs I can already smell bacon and pancakes. 

So I guess she is already up since I don't think Julia is already able to cook and Rosalina is the only other person in the house after Thiago left for Munich again.

"Good morning." I say and go over to kiss her cheek which has gotten a habit of mine whenever I see her. It's not like everyone thinks I don't have any feelings for her, she is the godmother of Julia kind of a friend to me. 

"Morning. Could you maybe put some plates and glasses on the table? Coffee is already in the can and the bacon and the pancakes should be ready in a minute too." 

She smiles and once more I have to admire her beautiful face. I do has she has told me and sit down, waiting till the food is ready. In the meantime I have time to look at her full body. 

She is wearing a fitting black business dress with a white blazer over it. She really does look sexy and once more I ask myself why she doesn't have a boyfriend already. I mean she is kind, funny and totally sexy. 

"Here, I hope you like it." I smile up at her while she gives me my plate back full with amazing smelling food. "I'm sure it does." We both sit in silence just eating the delicious food Rosalina has made for us. 

"So what I wanted to ask you is, do you have training today?" I quickly swallow the piece of pancake in my mouth so I can answer her. "Yeah, but maybe I can still help you." I smile kindly at her. She needs to know that I will be by her side all the time. 

"Well, I have this important meeting today and I don't have anyone looking after Julia so I actually wanted to ask you but I guess I will just take her to the office with me." "No!" I quickly say without thinking. 

"I mean no, you don't have to. I'm sure it won't be a problem if I take her with me to the training. She is a peaceful baby anyway. I bet she will sleep most of the time and I know you don't like strangers taking care of her but my coaches are nice too and they sure will look after her while I'm training and I have pauses in between too." 

She agrees reluctantly but I guess only because she doesn't have another choice. 

"Oh and another thing, would you mind helping pack my things later since I want to get all of them and also Julia's back to my apartment." I'm too shocked to say anything so I just nod and she stands up and gives me a kiss on the cheek. 

Since she is already late she has to leave quickly and I'm left to get Julia, wash her and put her in her clothes. I just hope I can do that all by myself whenever I needed to do that Thiago was by my side since he has always done it when my sister was little too but I have never done it on my own.


Completely worn out after concentrating to not make anything wrong I finally strap Julia in her car seat and make my way to the training centre. I just hope that nobody makes pictures of her or Rosalina will kill me. And let me tell you she is one hell of a scary woman. On the other side I'm also excited to see my teammate's expressions. 

I park in a free parking space in between Leo's and Javier's car. It's always exciting to see how everyone around the world is seeing Leo as a god and to me he is simply my teammate and kind of my friend. 

But it's true that it is much easier to play in a team with Leo in it. I get Julia out but since she still sleeps I let her lay in the carry-cot while going inside the changing room. You can hear all the guys talking loudly in the changing room from down the hallway. 

Let's just hope that they won't wake up Julia right now. I really need to concentrate on the training and even though I know she is a peaceful baby I also know that she gets grumpy whenever she gets woken up. 

But luckily they immediately shut up as I open the door and step inside with Julia's cot in my hand. Before I can even greet anyone, Neymar has taken it out of my hand and all the others circle around him to get a look at Julia. 

Arda is the first one to turn to me. "Didn't know you have a daughter." He is one of the new players who came from Atletico to Barca this summer. 

"Oh she isn't my biological daughter but I'm her godfather and after my best friend and his wife died I got custody of her and now she is my little princess." I can't stop the big smile on my face when I'm talking about Julia. 

Everyone is gushing over Julia while I'm changing. I'm happy that she is still sleeping and that everyone doesn't seem to mind her being here right now. Let's just hope coach won't mind either. 

He decides to enter the changing room just in this second and see the whole team standing over a baby cot. "What are you doing? You should already be up there and running your rounds." But he stops speaking as he sees the sleeping baby in the baby cot. 

"Neymar, did I miss something?" He asks since he still the one holding the cot. "Well maybe but it hasn't to do anything with me." Now Luis is looking confused. "With who then?" I step forward. 

"I guess I'm the one. Coach this is Julia my godchild I now have custody for." He looks at me, back at Julia and smiles. "Well congratulations then." He slaps me on my shoulder. "But you know that you have training right now." 

"Sure but she is sleeping right now and I don't have anyone else looking after her so I guessed it would be okay if I just put the cot on one of the benches and one of the coaches could take a look at her now and then." Coach just nods, turns around and leaves with all of us trotting behind.


It was a good but also exhausting training and when I go over to Julia's cot I'm surprised. She is laying in there wide awake and taking everything in with her big blue eyes. "Oh my god she is even cuter when she is awake." Dani gushes as soon as he sees her. He goes over and makes faces right in front of her which makes her squirm in her seat. She hasn't laughed so far but I know that it is too soon for that anyway. 

"Well Rafael I think she comes right after you. She has watched nearly the whole training amazed and hasn't even as much as fussed the whole time. She just sat there and watched all of you running up and down the field." Luis says and I smile but since I notice that Julia is beginning to squeal in her seat I go over and get her out of it. 

I don't hold her in my arms for long till Neymar comes over lifts her up and runs away with her. At first I'm worried but on the other side he has a son too and I'm sure he will be careful with her. 

Dani is running after them and the two of them play for Julia. Some players have already left for the changing room but since I have promised Rosalina that she can meet Sergi today I'm waiting for her to arrive at the training centre.


Hope you like it :) I guess it isn't that exciting but more like a filler :)

I dedicate this chapter to @barcelonnaa since I'm really sorry that I haven't updated sooner

On another note I need you help since I can't decide which jersey I should buy while in Rome: the Lazio Rome one or the AS Roma one?

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