16. Chapter

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Rosalina's POV

I don't know what but I'm sure that there is something wrong with Rafinha. No he isn't ill or something like that, it's just that he is unusually quiet. I have the feeling that he is keeping something from me.

Just yesterday I finished rearranging his, I mean our, house. I'm so happy that he asked me to move in with him. It's easier to look after Julia too, because whenever I have an important meeting I don't have to call all the people I know to ask them if they can watch her, no I can just let her sleep and Rafael looks after her.

We really are like a little family, now more than ever. We are living her in this big house, cooking and eating meals together and just spend our free times together.

I have always hoped for a live like this. Sure, Rafael and I aren't together or anything but still I'm happy with my life at it is.


"We are going to Ibiza", is the first thing Rafael says as he enters the house. "What?" Without answering me he just picks me up and runs upstairs to my room. There he just lets me fall down on my bed before getting my suitcase out of my closet.

"You heard me right, our flight is leaving in two hours. Thiago and some of my friends are going to come with us too. So get up and start packing we need to leave soon. Don't worry I will get Julia's things in the meantime." I do as I'm told, but I'm not sure what to pack.

Sure, I know that it's hot in Ibiza so I won't pack like jackets or something like that but I don't know Rafael's friends so I don't want to wear too revealing clothes either.

Finally I have packed everything I think I need and am ready to go. "Are you ready?" I nod and follow Rafinha downstairs where Julia is still sleeping peacefully in her cot. He straps her in her car seat and we make our way to the airport.

The first one I see is Thiago, even though I haven't seen him that often he is just like a big brother to me. So I'm really happy to finally see him again.

It's not cool to not be able to see him every other day since he is playing for a German team. Actually I just notice that I have never seen him play before. We hug tightly and I'm just so happy.

"How are you?" I step back so I can normally talk to him. "Perfect, how are you?" We talk some more as four other guys come to our group. I don't know any of them, or so I thought, but then I notice that Xavi is one of them.

I haven't seen him ever since I was in the hospital after falling down this stupid ladder. We too hug and then our flight gets called so we get all our things and make our way to the gate.

Rafa is carrying Julia all the time since we have already checked in the stroller. It's so cute to see him, the all sexy football player, carrying a little baby girl through the airport and I think I'm not the only one seeing it that way since there already are girls taking pictures.

Since I don't want anyone seeing Julia's face, I quickly lay my scarf on her head which is laying on Rafael's shoulder while sleeping.

He turns around to see what I'm up to but when he sees what I saw he just smiles at some of their phones and continues walking to the gate. It's funny that they still haven't found out that Julia is now actually his daughter, even though he is with her all the time.


Finally after one hour of sitting in one of the uncomfortable seats in the plane we arrive in Ibiza. It's even hotter than it was in Barcelona and I'm so happy to be here.

Julia sadly cried the whole time. I think she is getting her first teeth since she is really moody these last few days and also she probably was afraid during the flight.

I don't mind it but I'm thankful that she has finally fallen asleep nonetheless. Once again Rafael shows what a gentleman he is as he just takes me to a bench so I can wait there with Julia sleeping in my arms while he gets our luggage.

I have always imagined my first holiday with my boyfriend like this. I'm already looking forward to spending time with Rafael and Julia without any distractions.

I also would like to get to know Rafa's other friends since I already know Xavi and Thiago, even though he is his brother. Not long and all the boys are coming back with their suitcases and Rafa also has mine with him.


Luckily the hotel is right at the beach and I can't wait to just lay down in the sand and enjoy the heat and peace. But at first we go get something to eat since all the boys are complaining that they will die if they don't get something to eat soon. We find a cute little restaurant right next to the beach so we can look out at the sea and enjoy the little breeze.

Luckily Julia has calmed down after the flight so I too can enjoy some peace and the good food. After the amazing meal we search for a good place on the beach and lay down. As the responsible father he is, Rafael brought an umbrella with him since Julia shouldn't be in the sun too long.

So we make sure that she is sitting in the shadow as she plays with the sand which really seems to amaze her. We both are looking down at her like the proud parents we are.

I think Rafael is happy to be away from all the stress too since he looks more relaxed as he was back in Barcelona. Sadly, the peace we have doesn't last long, since soon some people recognize the brothers and want pictures and autographs.

Since they group of fans is growing and growing, Thiago and Rafa both decide to go a little bit to the side so that our group, especially Julia, won't get trampled on. I'm mostly afraid of Julia's security and also I don't want her to be on any pictures so I put her in my lap and play with her.

Rafa's friends seem to notice my uneasiness too so they sit around me and Julia and try to distract me with a conversation. Actually it's a good thing since now I can finally get to know them.

They are just as nice as Rafa and his brother. I'm so proud of myself that I even remember their names. Obviously I already know Xavi, then there is Pablo, Felipe, Jesus, Marti and Javi. "But guys don't forget that I was the first one to get to know her, so she is mine."

Xavi says as they are bickering about who is the best friend. I don't even know why this is important though but I guess I will let them be. Instead I look up to search for Rafa and find him still writing autographs.

Well I guess it will always be like that whenever I'm out with him. I sigh. Great really great. "Don't worry, I'm sure he hasn't forgotten you. I guess he is already thinking of something to make it up to you."

Marti suddenly whispers in my ear, I guess he must have heard me sigh and followed my look to Rafael. "Don't get me wrong I absolutely love to see him interact with his fans but I just kind of hoped that we could have a normal holiday, but I guess I wished for too much."

He lays his arm around my shoulder. Even though I only know him for a day, I feel like I have known him for years he is really kind and I'm comfortable around him.

"We are here too, you know. You aren't alone and we are funny too. So don't worry." I laugh and the mood is back up. When Rafa comes back with Thiago in tow I'm even happier and we spend the rest of the afternoon laughing.


New chapter!!!!

I hope you like it. I'm so excited to write this story since I have finally planned it and so much will happen. :)

I have to tell you that I won't be able to update on the weekend since I'm going to be in Paris :b and won't have any internet there.

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