11. Chapter

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Rosalina's POV

One hour later and Rafinha still hasn't come back from getting my clothes and Julia's toys. What is taking him so long? Just when I really begin to wonder what he is doing this long, I hear keys jingle outside. 

"Oh, hey." Rafinha smiles at me and comes over to kiss my forehead once again, which really surprises me. 

I just look at him shocked but luckily he turns back around to get mine and Julia's things. To my utter surprise another man enters the house with Rafinha. He too holds some bags with I guess clothes in it. As Rafinha comes back he sees my confused face. 

"Sorry, forgot that you don't know each other. Rosalina this is Neymar, one of my teammates. Neymar this is Rosalina the godmother of Julia." After putting the bags down Neymar steps forward to greet me. 

"Nice to finally meet you. Rafinha has told me so much about you and Julia. But what he didn't tell me was that you amazingly beautiful." While I blush Rafinha hits him on the head. "You are such a dumbass." I can hear him murmur in Neymar's ear. I giggle to hide my embarrassment. 

Unfortunately this is why both of them turn to look at me and I blush even more. I want to hide my face in a pillow as I can hear Julia crying upstairs. I get immediately but what I haven't thought about is that my right leg still is in a plaster. Before I can even react a terrible pain stings up my leg. 

I lose my balance, but luckily I land directly in Rafinha's arms. "Hey, be careful. He swoops me up in his arms and lays me down on the couch. Tears fall down my cheeks. The pain is unbearable. 

"Hey, shhh, calm down." But I can't, I still can hear Julia crying upstairs. But before I can say anything Thiago comes down with her in his arms. I immediately I hold my arms out for her, but Rafinha shakes his head at him. 

"No before you can hold her we have to look at her leg. Rosalina tell me where it hurts." I point at my shin. He looks at me worriedly. He says something to Neymar but it hurts so damn much that I don't get what. 

Seconds after Rafinha's friend lays a pillow under my right leg while Rafinha is stroking my cheek and kneeing in front of me, trying to calm me down. His strokes distract me from the pain. I have to admit that it really is soothing to know that someone is caring for me so much. 

"Look, just take deep breaths. I know it hurts right now but the pain will stop soon." He turns to look at Neymar. "Could you go in the kitchen, her painkillers are laying on the countertop." 

He makes his way there immediately and comes back just a minute after with a tablet and a glass full of water in his hands. "Here, take this I'm sure it will help you." He also kneels down in front of me and gives me both things. I take it thankfully and swallow the pill with the water. 

"Good, now we only have to wait for the pill to work. In the meantime you could sleep some more, I'm sure it will do you good after all this." Rafinha carefully moves me aside and before I can realise what's happening, he is already lying beside me on the couch. 

"Don't look at me like that I just want to make sure you are okay, so just relax and sleep." He lays my head down on his chest and draws circles on my back with his hand. It really is soothing.

"Wait a minute. I think something is missing." And as if Thiago knows exactly what his younger brother is thinking he gives Rafinha Julia who is looking at him with her big blue eyes. 

"Come here sweetie, do you want to sleep with daddy and mummy?" I'm too distracted by her big eyes as to really get what he has just said to her. 

He lays back down and I place my head on his chest since it really is comfortable. To my surprise Rafinha puts Julia on his chest too, so that I'm directly at her and he place his other hand on her back and too draws circles there. 

It seems like this action does not only work relaxing on me but on Julia too and so it doesn't take long till we both fall asleep.

Rafinha's POV

"You know, you really look like a little family." I look up from the two girls sleeping on my chest to see both Thiago and Neymar standing in front of me. "I think I will have to second that. Damn Rafinha what would I do to get to know such a girl like Rosalina. Consider yourself lucky." 

"Trust me I do, but not in the way you think. She is just the godmother of Julia, so she is a part of my family, nothing else." Thiago bursts out in a fit of giggles. 

"Are you really believing this? Rafinha have you ever looked at yourself. Every time I look in your eyes I see the same look in them as when I look at my Julia." 

Now I'm the one laughing. Does he really think that I'm seeing more in Rosalina than just the godmother of Julia or even a good friend? 

Julia squirms in my hands but when I look down at her, I see that she is still sleeping, luckily. I think Rosalina really needs some sleep right now. Everything is just so stressing and I know that she still is upset that she can't do anything without help. 

"Well I think I will go home now. Take care of your princesses. Neymar leans down and kisses Julia on her forehead which surprisingly brings a smile on my child's face. 

"Such a cutie." Neymar whispers before getting his things and leaving my house. "Shall I bring their things in the guest room?" My brother asks and I nod. "Thank you." "No problem just enjoy your time with your princesses." 

I give him a glare and I swear if it could kill Thiago would be six feet under. "Okay, okay, chillax. I will just carry them upstairs. I continue stroking both their backs and minutes later I'm too falling asleep.

Thiago's POV

I carry all the bags upstairs into the guest room and look if anything else is to be done so that Rosalina can comfortable in this room. 

I make sure that there isn't anything laying around since she can't really move anything with both her leg and her arm in a cast. As I go back I notice that Rafinha too has fallen asleep. They really look cute lying together like that. I can't help it to take a picture of the happy family. 

I send it to Neymar since he too thinks that they would be a cute little family. "I think we have to play cupid." I my message to him. I just hope that Rafinha won't do anything stupid anymore.


New chapter!!! I'm so excited to write this story, I just love it. I hope you like it too :) Just tell me your opinions, you can even voice any critique you have :b

I absolutely love skiing, swimming and riding.

I absolutely love McDonald's but I also like Subway :)

I'm sixteen :b (I know pretty lame)

1 What do you think of Thiago's idea of playing cupid?

2 Which app do you use most?

3 Coca Cola or Pepsi?

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