15. Chapter

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Rafinha's POV

Finally home. You don't know how amazing the feeling is when you can finally sit down on your couch after a tiring training. Julia is lying beside me while Rosalina is upstairs and changing into more comfortable clothes. 

Julia is wide awake after sleeping at the training and she is just looking around and gurgling the whole time. 

I would have never imagined myself sitting here watching my child especially with only 22 years. But having Julia around me totally changed me. 

Even my friends and family have noticed it. My mum just told me the other day that she thinks I have finally become a man. I laughed at first but now that I think it over again, I guess it's true. 

It's has always been Thiago who has looked after me and I always looked up to him. I did some bad things in my past which I'm not proud of but now I have a reason to behave and just be responsible. 

I want to be the best dad possible for Julia, even though she has lost her real parents I don't want her to ever feel alone or like she left out of something. 

She should have a normal family and I'm sure that Rosalina and I will be able to give her just that. That's also the reason why I want them to continue living with me in this house.

I look up as I hear footsteps on the stairs and see Rosalina walking down. She looks absolutely amazing even though she is just wearing a plain white shirt and some sweatpants. What I told Neymar today totally confused me. 

Honestly I didn't know of my feelings for her till I said it out loud. "Hey, what are you thinking about?" Rosalina asks me as she sits down next to me on the couch. "Nothing, just how cute our daughter is." 

It still sounds new to me whenever I or Rosalina talk about "our daughter", but Julia is our child. I mean we have custody for her and this means we are her parents legally. Which also brings me to my original plan. 

"Rosalina?" "Yes." She looks away from the TV which she has turn on as she sat down to watch the news. "You asked me if I would help you move back to your own apartment this morning." 

I wait to see her reaction, but also to sort out what I want to say next. Rosalina just nods to show that she remembers saying it. "Well, I wanted to ask if you want to move in with me." 

I take a deep breath. "I mean like really move in with all your things." Too afraid of her reaction to it, I just continue to ramble. 

"Look, it's so much easier to look after Julia when we both live in the same house and I could help you more and I want to see not only Julia but also you every day and not just every other week." Just when I want to utter other nonsense, she wraps her arms around me. 

"I would love to, but only if I can rearrange some things here." I laugh and tighten my arms around her. I'm the happiest man right now. 

She really said yes and now I can live with my daughter and the woman I have fallen in love with. Now I will just have to figure out if I want to have a relationship with her and if, how I will confess my feelings to her. 

"Sure, you can do whatever you want. It is now your house too." I kiss her temple and continue to hug her.

We just lay there on the couch cuddling as Julia crawls over to us and lays down on my stomach. Rosalina coos at the sight and takes pictures of us. Julia is the most important girl in my life and I will make sure that she will have everything she will ever need, same with Rosalina. 

We decide to watch a film, but just a little into the movie both my girls have fallen asleep on top of my chest, so I turn off the TV and too fall asleep after making sure that they both are under their blankets.


One week has gone by and Rosalina is totally in her element as she is rearranging our rooms. And I have to admit it I love it. My house just looks and feels more homely. Right now I'm sitting outside watching Julia crawl around the garden. 

My phone rings and I immediately answer as I see that Thiago is the one calling. "Hey bro, how are you?" I can hear his hearty laugh which makes me join him. "Perfect, you?" 

"Same, Rosalina has finally moved in with me and right now she is rearranging the house." He tells me that it was overtime that I asked her and he also tells me that Neymar texted him after I admitted my feelings for her. 

It's embarrassing to talk about it with my brother but on the other side he is also my best friend and we have always been very close. I often miss our talks since he now is playing for Bayern Munich and I'm still here in Barcelona. 

But luckily someone has invented cell phones and so we call each other every other day to catch up with each other's lives. "Thiago I need your help." 

I know it might sound overdramatic and I think this is also the reason why Thiago immediately wants to know what's up. 

"Nothing, I just want to do something special for Rosalina after her doing so much for both me and Julia and also since she completely rearranged the house and made it much more homely. 

I'm so thankful and I wanted to show her. And since you will get married soon too. I thought maybe we could go on a last vacation without you being a husband." 

Once again we both burst out laughing. I'm so happy that Thiago is finally getting married to Julia, his girlfriend. They are just like the perfect couple and I wish them all the best. "Sure, what do you have in mind?" I smile. It's amazing that he knows me so well. 

"I thought maybe Ibiza, since there we can lay on the beach but also go party some nights." He agrees and we decide that we will fly to Ibiza in two weeks' time.


New chapter, sorry for the long wait but I was in Rome and didn't have a chance to write a new chapter. :)

It's horrible to hear the Rafinha won't be able to play for the rest of the season. It must be crushing and I feel really bad for him. But I'm sure he will come back even stronger and I'm sure he will be able to play for Copa America next year :)

Who else is watching the Barca game right now? Interesting starting line-up if you ask me, but it doesn't look that bad right now, just hope that it stays this way and that Barca will win.

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