10. Chapter

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Rafinha's POV

After making sure that Rosalina feels comfortable, I too get into my car and start it. 

"Well then let's start. Is everything okay, does anything hurt you?" I look anxiously at her. He lays her hand on mine which is resting on the gear stick. 

"Don't worry so much, first I'm pumped with painkillers and second how can I feel any pain when you are caring for me so much." 

I turn my hand so I can hold hers in mine and tighten my hold on it. "I'm glad to be able to help you." I smile at Rosalina and she smiles back.

We are driving several minutes in silence when luckily Rosalina finally breaks it. "So where exactly is your house? I mean you are a famous football player, I'm sure it isn't near the city centre." I chuckle and take a quick glance at her. 

"You are right it is more on the outside of Barcelona, but don't worry, I'm not that famous so there won't be so many paparazzi following me." She lets out a breath of relief, which kind of confuses me since I don't know why she would have to feel relieved after this. 

So I just take her hand and hold it in mine. "Hey what's wrong? Why did you just sound like a stone fell of your chest?" 

"Nothing. I'm just anxious right now, since I don't even know you that good, hell I don't even know what your real name is." At that we both begin to chuckle. It really is funny that she still calls me Rafinha every time we talk. 

After calming down some I'm finally able to answer her. "Well, I think we can change that. First of all my full name is Rafael Alcantara do Nascimento." 

She looks shocked. "Really? I'm sorry that I always called you Rafinha then, I guess." I squeeze her hand. "It's okay, I never told you so why should you know." 

I smile and I'm happy that I'm finally able to talk normally to Rosalina. "So how far is it?" "Not that far, just five more minutes, I think." Once more there is a long silence between us, but it isn't as awkward as before.

Actually where arrived at my house ten minutes later and there I had another problem coming my way. 

How can I get Rosalina inside my house, since I have a staircase in front of it and she has to sit in a wheelchair the next weeks till she gets rid of the plasters on her foot and arm. 

But just when I think about first carrying Julia in and then Rosalina, my big brother Thiago comes out of my house, smiling like he has just won in the lottery. 

I get out of the car to greet him, but he doesn't even look my way for one second. He goes over and opens Rosalina's door. "Well hello, princess. I hope my brother treated you well?" 

"Sure, Rafael cared for me so much, I'm so thankful." "Don't worry, I'm sure he is happy that he can help both you and Julia." 

He gives me a glare across the car roof. "Rosalina I have told you before I'm happy to have you both here." I smile at her and she looks at me with tears in her eyes. 

"Well, then let's get you both inside." Thi opens the back door and lifts Julia up in his arms. She begins to squirm but just nestles her face in his neck and continues to sleep. I guess he wants me to carry Rosalina inside. I'm not sure if she is okay with that. 

"Ähm...well are you okay with me carrying you inside?" Rosalina doesn't answer me, she just nods and smiles at me. I carefully place my arms under her knees and arms. I'm afraid to hurt her, so I walk really slowly inside and place as carefully on the couch in the living room. 

"Do you want anything to drink or eat?" "If it's not bothering you, could you maybe bring me a glass of water?" "Sure." I kiss her forehead and go to the kitchen to get her some water. 

"What was that?" At first I don't know what Thiago is talking about but as I see his eyes switching between me and Rosalina and I get it that he means the kiss on her forehead. 

"Honestly I don't know myself what drove me to do it." He smiles like he knows something I don't and just walks away. Well then, I shrug my shoulders and get Rosalina's glass of water.

"So do you need anything?" I ask her as I sit down beside her. She fiddles with her fingers and I already know that this means that she hides something from me. 

"Anything. Don't worry about anything just tell me." "Well, if I really am going to stay here longer, I will need some of my clothes and my laptop so I can still work some." 

I smile. She really thinks that it is a problem for me to get her things for her. "No problem, just give me your keys and your address, so I can get all the things you need." 

She gives me both things. "Oh and can you also bring some of Julia's things with you?" "Sure." I kiss her on the forehead once again, before leaving her. 

I don't have to worry about her or Julia since Thiago is still staying at my house and I'm sure he will do anything for both of them.

"Hey Ney, do you have time right now?" I decided to call Neymar to ask for his help to get all the things from Rosalina's apartment. "Sure what do you need?" 

"Well, I'm on my way to Rosalina's apartment right now since she needs some things for herself and Julia. And I wanted to ask if you would help me." "Sure just tell me her address." I do so and we decide to meet there.

"Well let's do this. What does she need anyway?" "Basically she needs clothes for both of them and her laptop." Neymar smiles cheekily at me but I just shrug it off and we enter Rosalina's apartment. 

We begin to pack some clothes for Julia and also her toys. After that we continue with Rosalina's stuff. "Well, I think she will need underwear too, don't you think so?" 

Now I know why he had smiled like that before. "Y...yes." "Don't get all shy to me now Mr. Alcantara. Do you know where she has it?" I shake my head, so he just begins to search for it while I continue packing shirts, trousers and such. 

"Rafi, come here. I'm sure you want to see that." I follow his voice but what I see is unbelievable. She has a closet full of undergarment which are all sorted and placed like in a store. "I think I'm in heaven." Neymar says and I just chuckle. 

To think that he is older than me makes me laugh even more.

Well hello there my lovely readers. I hope you like the chapter and I really would love to hear your opinions xx

I think my favourite piece of clothing must be my jerseys of various football teams. I just find it cool to show your support for them.

There are just too many films to choose from but I think Divergent is really cool but also The Last Song or The Lucky One.

It's the same with books but lately I have fallen in love with all the books of Nicholas Sparks.

1 What other sports to you like?

2 Which fast food chain is your favourite?

3 How old are you all?

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