44. Chapter

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Rafinha's POV

„So do you think our lives will change much when our child arrives?" Since Julia is still at my parents' place, we enjoy this morning cuddling in bed with some breakfast which I made earlier. 

"Sure, it's going to be even more stressful and I certainly will need your help especially in the first few months. You know we only got Julia when she has already been a few months old and she almost slept through the whole night too, a newborn is a complete different story." 

I tighten my arms around her. 

"Oh Lina, of course I will help you. I'm sure everything will be alright. You know I really can't wait till we finally get to see her." 

"Oh, so you think it's going to be a girl, well I will go for a boy." We both laugh and just continue eating and sipping some tea. 

Ever since Rosalina found out she is pregnant she stopped drinking coffee all together and I joined her with this so now we are both drinking tea in the morning. 

"Maybe we should start furnishing the nursery this week." I turn to watch my wife's face. 

"I hope you mean I will do it, because you certainly won't do anything. You know what the doctor said, you need to relax and lay around in order to assure both your and our baby's health." 

And there it is, her grumpy face. I can only imagine how annoying it must be only being able to lay around the whole day but I don't want anything happening to either her nor the baby. 

"Sure, can we at least go shopping for the furniture together? I promise I won't carry anything and I won't help building them either you will do everything, but I really need to get out of the house." 

Since we are already finished with breakfast I put the tablet on the floor only to roll back around and on top of her. 

I lean on my arms which are on either side of her head so I won't put my weight on her. 

"I would love to go shopping with you and we will take Julia with us too. Actually I have already look at some beds and closets on the internet. Do you have any ideas how you want the room to look?" 

Lina shakes her head. "No exactly but since we don't know the gender yet I guess we will just paint it with neutral colors, don't you think?" 

I agree with her. We have already talked about the whole gender issue before and both decided to wait for the birth to find out since it will make everything that much better. 

Instead of doing anything we just kind of stare at each other. "Well, don't you want to show me the things you like?" 

"Oh sure." I quickly get my laptop form the desk in the corner and open the website I found the bed and the closet on.

 "Yeah I see what you like about them but do they have the same things in white too? I think black furniture will be too dark for such a little baby. In my opinion vibrant colors will be much better. Don't you think so too?" 

Like always I can't help but agree with her. Especially since she now is in the state of pregnancy where the mother-to-be has all these mood swings and I really don't want to upset her. 

"Sure if we can just drive there later and see what they have." I kiss her on the temple and get up to shower. 

"Can you help me out of bed?" I laugh and quickly go back to lend Rosalina a hand. "I'm so happy when I'm finally able to get up on my own again." 

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