48. Chapter

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Rafinha's POV

Breathe in. Breathe out. That's all I can concentrate on right now. I never knew that one sentence can your whole life. But this one made my worst fears true. 

Now here I am, sitting in Madrid and I can't do a single thing to help Rosalina back in Barcelona. 

I can only imagine how horrible the pain is that she is currently going through. In my opinion I'm the worst husband ever. I should be by her side not in a different city. 

"Rafa. Rafa!" 

I snap out of my thoughts and see most of my teammates staring at me and Andres kneeling in front of me. 

Once more I see why he is the father of our team. He always cares for every single one of us and that makes him an even better captain. 

"You need to calm down, Rafael. Believe me you can't do anything either way. When Anna was in the labour the first time I also was freaking out, but woman just naturally know what to do. Mostly it's even better when you do nothing at all, just try to soothe them and let them know that you are there for her. So take some deep breaths and when you are calm enough call your wife. She will be happy to hear your voice, believe me." 

I can only nod and concentrate on what he just said. As I finally breathe normally, I take out my phone to call my lovely wife. The agonizing seconds till she finally answers are one of the worst in my whole life. 

"Hey Rafa." 

She doesn't sound pained or exhausted which makes me relax a little bit more. Maybe it isn't as bad as I thought anyway. 

"My love, how are you? I'm so sorry that I'm not there yet. But we will board the plane shortly and then it will only be about an hour before we land in Barcelona and then I will rush to you as fast as I can." 

Instead of a worried Lina I only hear her laugh. 

"Calm down, please. You are even more nervous than me, aren't you?" 

We laugh together. One wouldn't believe me how soothing it is to hear her so calm and happy. 

"I know that you will do everything to be here in time and I can feel your support in my heart and our baby does too. I'm just lucky that your mother is here and the doctors are great too." 

Finally the text on the screen in front of me changes. 

"Baby I love you but we can finally board the plane. So I will have to end our call now but I will still think of you and in just a little more than an hour I will by your side and welcome our little baby." 

"I love you too." 

And so we end it and I follow my teammates into the plane. As soon as I have found my seat next to Neymar the nerves come back. My legs shake and my hands are wet from all the sweating. 

"You can't do anything right now, just calm down and think happy thoughts." 

I only nod and look out the window. Please let her be alright and let me be on time to welcome our baby.

Rosalina's POV

As soon as I end the call with Rafa another contraction hits me and makes me scream. I tried everything to sound as cheery as possible so Rafa won't be worried on his way over. 

But this is just so painful and I feel like I'm being ripped apart from the inside. A hand squeezing mine brings me back to the here and now. 

"Deep breathes, Rosalina. I know it hurts but it will all be worth it in the end. Believe me." 

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