6. Chapter

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Rafinha's POV

I can't believe that Xavi, my best friend, would backstab me like that. How could he? Sure I love Julia with all my heart. But honestly I'm too young to care for a little baby.

I'm only twenty-two, my career is just starting and I really can't need any distraction in my life especially no child which needs my attention all the time. But now that my big brother knows about her I know I won't hear the end of it.

I really don't want to be involved with them. Sure I love children, especially Julia, but I really can't care properly for her. I don't want to mess up. She already has a horrible life I don't want to make it worse. We are now standing here in Rosalina's hospital room.

She looks horrible, don't get me wrong she is beautiful as always but her arm and leg look pretty bad and I feel bad for her. I just hope she will get completely fine again after her stay here in the hospital. I'm anxiously waiting for Rosalina to finally wake up.

On one side I'd like to talk to Rosalina again, I mean she is pretty nice and I loved to talk to her back when Julia was in hospital, but on the other side I'm just afraid of her reaction seeing me standing there in her hospital room. Just when I think that her eyes begin to flutter open.

She looks like she is in a horrible pain but when she sees me standing there in the middle of the room her painful expression turns into a hateful glare for me. "What are YOU doing here?" I don't know what to say, so I just look down to Julia sleeping in my arms.

"I...I heard that you got injured while at work and I wanted to ask if you need any help with Julia and all. You know since I'm her godfather and yeah..." At the end I got more and more quiet. "Oh so the great Rafinha Alcantara decided to finally care for his godchild.

Well, news for you Mr famous footballer, not everything is about you and Julia actually deserves a better life with people who actually want to spend time with her and are always there for her not only when you can find five minutes to look after her once in a month."

I'm absolutely shocked, but when I think about it more, I guess she is right. Julia already has a damned life with no parents so she at least deserves to at least be able to trust that her godparents will always be there for her.

Even though I don't know if I can be there for her and I really don't get it why I said yes when best friend asked me to be Julia's godfather. What did I think back then? That I would be able to find time to look after a little child be my busy schedule with the matches and trainings.

"Oh, so now you don't have anything to say? Well then I tell you what. Just leave, I don't want Julia getting attached to someone who is going to leave her as well. So just leave and never come back." I open my mouth to argue but Rosalina beats me to it.

"Don't even try to say anything against it, just give me Julia and leave this room." The heart monitor accelerates and I get worried about Rosalina and her health. "O...okay I will leave but please calm down, otherwise you may get even worse.

I step forward and lay Julia down in the gap that is between Rosalina's stomach and her healthy arm, so that Julia lies on the bed but Rosalina can still hold her in place. I kiss Julia on her forehead and look one last time at my sleeping godchild. "Just call me if you need anything."

I give her a sad smile before turning around. "Are you coming?" I ask Thiago who is still sitting in the chair which stands against the wall. "Wait in the car for me, I will come in some minutes."

He whispers to me as I stand in front of him and do as told, but before I really leave the room I look back at the two girls lying in the hospital bed one last time.

What I see tears my heart in half. Rosalina is looking down at Julia sadly, I really hope that I can be a part of their lives one day.

Thiago's POV

I sit there and just watch Rosalina and Julia lying there on the hospital bed. Honestly I'm not even surprised of Rosalina's reaction when she saw my little brother standing there. "And who are you if you don't mind me asking."

Rosalina brings me out of my thoughts. I straighten myself in the chair and look at her. "Sorry, I'm Thiago Alcantara, Rafinha's brother." Her smile falters.

"And I'm really sorry what he has done to you and Julia. You can trust me when I heard what he has done I confronted him right away." Rosalina seems to calm down a little bit. I stand up and walk to the bed so that I don't have to talk so loudly.

"I just wanted to apologise." "What are you apologising for? You sure haven't done anything wrong." She smiles up at me.

"I would shake your hand, but you see one of my arms is in this stupid cast and the other one is needed to hold my little niece."

I smile at her joke and shake my head. "Don't worry about it. It's the thought that counts." We both smile at each other and I sit down on the chair beside the bed.

"So my actual reason for still being her. Since you need to be here in hospital for a little while longer, I wanted to ask you if I can help you in any way. And don't say you needn't my help. Rosalina, I'm sure you are a perfect godmother for Julia but you can't care for a little baby with an arm and a leg in a cast."

"That's not true. See she is sleeping most of the time anyways and I still have a second arm. So don't worry I don't need anyone's help." I let out a frustrated sigh. Why did I know that she won't be that easy to persuade? "

No Rosalina I won't have that. You need to concentrate on getting all healthy again and you don't need a baby while doing that. I totally understand that you don't like Rafinha at the moment.

Heck, I wouldn't too if I was in your situation, but I swear he loves Julia. I even will be there for her all the time, I know it doesn't make it much better since you don't really know me.

But I tell you what, as long as I can't train due to my injury, which will be at least the next six weeks, I'm living in Rafinha's house here in Barcelona, so we will look after Julia together and if you don't want Rafinha watching her I will do it alone, don't worry.

I will even visit you together with Julia every day, so basically she will only sleeping at Rafinha's.

Don't you think it will be better for Julia to sleep in a normal bed and not in a hard hospital one where every hour a nurse interrupts her sleep?" I hold my breath anxious for her answer.

"O...okay, but please care for her and I want to at least her how she is doing it or what she is doing twice a day and I want to see her as often as possible." I smile at her.

"Sure, don't worry. See, I will give you my phone number and you can just phone me whenever you want. No matter what time it is." I stand up and hug her tightly but carefully to not hurt her.

I begin to hurt all of Julia things which are spread all over the room. When I'm finished I carefully lift Julia out of Rosalina's arms and strap her in her sleeping crib.

I give Rosalina one last kiss on the cheek and she strokes Julia's cheek. I go outside where I see Rafinha sitting on a bench next to the car.

"Finally. But what are you doing with Julia?" When he sees his godchild his eyes begin to sparkle and I think this shows how much he loves her.

"We are watching her for the next weeks till Rosalina is able to do it herself again." Rafinha takes the crib out of my hands and just coos at Julia who woke out while I was walking down to the car. Rafinha straps the crib in the car and we make our way home.

Sorry for the long wait and I hope you like the new chapter :)

I would really like to get to know my readers so I wanted to ask where you all are from?

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