2. Chapter

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Rosalina's POV

The whole accident happened two weeks ago and I'm still not completely over it. I just can't believe it that I won't see my sister ever again. Today is also the day Julia can finally leave this depressing hospital. Sure she only had a broken arm, but they wanted to make sure that there aren't any internal injuries and that her arm heals properly.

At first Rafinha would be here every day, but then he began to train again, so he didn't have so much time anymore. But nonetheless did he still spend as much time as he had with Julia, which I'm really grateful for. She is still a little bunch of joy and lights up every time he enters the room. So currently I'm packing all her clothes and toys. Julia herself is currently sleeping in her little crib which is all pink, which I personally think is horrible.

"Hello, princesses! How are you today?" Rafinha enters the room, but when he sees Julia asleep, he quietens down immediately. "Sorry" He whispers. I just wink at him and continue packing. "Can I help you with anything?" I shriek due to his sudden closeness. I turn around quickly, but step back when I look directly at his chest.

"Ähm...yes, you could collect all her toys around here and put it in the green bag. Thank you." He smiles and begins to pick up Julia's toys. "So how will we do it, will she live at yours? Because you know I'm often away with the games and training and such. Don't worry I will visit her often and I will always call and you can also always reach me if you need me."

I just begin to laugh at his rambling, blame it on all the emotions bottled up inside me. "Sure thing, I wanted her near me anyway, so just concentrate on your career and I will on mine." I finish packing, go up to Julia's crib and get her out. She is already ready to go, the only thing missing is her little hat, so she won't get ill.

"So thank you for everything and just call me whenever you want to see her." Rafinha hugs me and gives Julia a sweet kiss on her forehead, and what shocks me most a kiss on my cheek. "You are welcome, and I sure will. Take care!"

*3 weeks later*

This were the last words I have heard of him. Sure, I did see Rafinha at the funeral but he did only hug Julia once and then sat on the other side of the hall. Honestly, I didn't expect anything different from a famous footballer. Well, Julia and I have found our way back into life. I know have adjusted my lifestyle so that a baby fits in it.

I'm still working as the CEO of a firm for interior design, but luckily it isn't a problem to bring Julia along. An important factor at that is, that Julia really is an angel, who apparently knows when she shouldn't cry because her aunt needs to do something.

During meetings my assistant Lena would always look after her, but most of the time Julia would just sit on her blanket and play quietly with her toys. She really is an angel. Sure, sometimes she cries for hours because she misses her parents, but mostly she is sweet. In the nights she normally wakes up two times, so I can give her her bottle.

Actually, I'm not mad or anything at Rafinha, but I feel bad for Julia. I mean she only has us two as family now and now even he is abandoning her. I just hope that she won't feel alone in the future, because I want her to be a happy child.

"Sorry, ma'am. There is a man waiting outside. He says you have a meeting scheduled right now. "Ah, sure, sure. Just bring him inside. Thank you Lena. I sit down at my desk and look directly in the happy faces of my sister and her little family. This picture of them has always been there, but since the accident it got another meaning. Every time looking at it, I remember all the good times with her, but also our struggles in life.

The door opens, so I stand up to greet him. "Hola, Mr Arruebo! How can I help you today? Please, sit down." He does as I requested and I too sit back down. "So, my girlfriend and I decided to build our own house and I wanted you to design the inside, since we both know that you are one of the best in Barcelona. Besides you are kind too, and not one of this snobby one."

At that we both begin to laugh. "Sure, so do you already have any ideas Mr Arruebo?" "Oh please call me Xavi, otherwise I feel so old. And no we don't really have any ideas yet, we thought maybe you could come to our home, so you can see the sizes of the rooms, and then maybe you can recommend us some things and we can decide together."

I smile. "Sure, this sounds perfect..." Just when I wanted to continue speaking Julia lets out a scream. "Sorry" I get up quickly and run over to her crib. "Hey, little princess. Everything is fine, I'm hear. Hey, stop crying, I don't like to see my little July bear sad."

I cradle her in my arms and go back to my desk. "Sorry, I don't know what's wrong with her normally she is a really quiet child. So where were we? Ah, yes. So when would you have time so that I can see the house?" Xavi smiles kindly at me. "First of all it isn't a problem at all, I really love kids and second I have time all day the next two weeks, since I'm off work. Just say when you want to come."

I smile back and look through my calendar for a free time. "Would be Wednesday okay? Around three?" "Sure!" Then I look down at Julia who is now asleep in my arms. "Sorry if this comes out rude, but I have a little problem. Would you mind if I would bring this little one with me? Since I don't really have anyone who could look after..."

"Hey, it isn't a problem at all. Like I said before I love kids and my girlfriend does too. And as far as I can see she really is a quiet one. So here my number, so that you can phone me if anything changes and here is the address to my house. See you in two days. Goodbye."

With that Xavi leaves, and I already know that he will be one of the kind costumers. I lay Julia back in her crib and finish work, so that I can go home with her.

So what do you think of the story so far? In my opinion Rafinha really is a jerk. What do you think?

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