34. Chapter

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Rosalina's POV

Three weeks. Three weeks have passed since this horrible day in Reus with my parents. Rafinha has been nothing but supportive. 

He tried everything to make me smile. He brought me flowers, cooked for me and just lay by my side, but nothing helped. 

I always knew that I wasn't their favourite child but that they think so lowly of me just ripped my heart in two. How can it be that no matter what I do, I disappoint my parents. A lonely tear rolls down my cheek. 

"Ok stop that." I get out of my thoughts just to look in a worried face. 

"Lina I know you are sad but life goes on. I have been by your side all the time for the last few weeks. I know you are sad and you are asking yourself what you did wrong. But that's the problem, you did nothing. It's their fault not yours. Lina I love you and I will be forever on your side. I promise you I won't ever leave you, but you need to get up now. You need to see on the bright side of life. I'm here, Julia is here and my family is. I have already told you once, you do have a family who is loving you. My parents love you like you are there daughter and my sibling as if you were their sister. So please get out of bed now and enjoy life. Julia misses her mum and I miss my girlfriend." 

I smile through my tears. He is right, I shouldn't hide under my blanket. I should go out and enjoy life as it comes. I sit up and take Rafa's hands which he is holding out to me. 

"Thank you. Thank you for being here with me." I lean back from our tight hug to kiss him deeply. I have missed this. The last few days I couldn't stop thinking about my parents and I didn't even notice how much I missed spending time with him. 

"Come let's go down. My mum is here and she even brought her famous chocolate cake." With a last short kiss we go downstairs where I can already hear Julia laughing. But before I can go to my little baby Rafa's mum hugs me tightly. 

"Oh my sweet Rosalina. I'm so sorry for what your parents did to you. Just know that I'm always going to be there for you. I will support you no matter what and even when, god forbid, you two ever break up I promise to still be by your side. You are my daughter, Rosalina. And I don't ever want to see you like this again. Promise me that you will stand up and continue with your life." 

"I promise mae." I kiss her cheek and she lets me go after a last tightening of her arms around me. "And now go to your daughter she missed you." 

I quickly make my way in the living room just to see Bruno playing with Julia. It's so sweet to see Rafael's little brother playing with his niece. Right now he is trying to teach her how to shoot a ball. 

Which is funny since she can barely stand on her own two feet without holding on to anything. So he stands there holding her up by her hands and constantly lays the ball in front of her feet till she kicks it away. 

"And Julia Alcantara scores again!!!!" Rafa is right behind me and swoops Julia up in his arms. 

"Just like your daddy, princess. I'm so proud of you." He turns around and her eyes light up as soon as she sees me. "Mama!" And she holds her hands out to me. I take the last step and cuddle her to me. 

How could I neglect her this past weeks? I was so caught up in my family drama that I totally forgot about my own daughter. My princess. How could I do that to her? I'm such a bad mother. 

"Stop worrying. She would understand and you are here with her now, so please don't be angry with yourself." Rafa whispers in my ear as he wraps his arms around the both of us. 

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