24. Chapter

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Rafinha's POV

I'm the happiest man alive right now. Rosalina finally agreed on being my girlfriend. 

I feel over the moon. Even though I love being at the beach, I want to get home as quickly as possible and spend time with my family. 

Sure it's also nice to be alone with Rosalina but I don't want to be out here with her always having to be afraid that someone might see us.

Don't get me wrong but I don't want her out in the public just yet, I'm afraid that she will leave me when some "fans" of mine speak bad of her. 

I have never been in this situation before but I have seen it with my teammates. 

Not everyone likes the fame they get when their boyfriend is a footballer. And I sure don't want my fans to stand between Rosalina and me. "Are you cold?" I'm worried that she will get sick. 

She is constantly shivering but till now she didn't want to go home just yet. "Come let's go home. There you can take a warm bath while I'm getting Julia from Thiago's." 

Rosalina nods reluctantly, but as I take her hand in mine and kiss her cheek she smiles and follows me. Man, I love her and I'm so happy that I'm finally allowed to hold her hand and kiss her whenever I want.


Back at our house I make her a nice bath and after making sure she has everything in the bathroom she could possibly need, I put on my shoes and drive over to my family's house where Thiago is staying. 

"Bro, how was it?" Thaisa asks me as soon as she opens the door. 

"Can I get in first?" I laugh. She steps back and I immediately rush in to find Julia laying on the couch next to Thiago who is watching a film on the TV. She is just staring at him totally amazed. 

"I guess who have a new admirer." My brother looks up confused not knowing what I'm talking about but I just point at Julia and he laughs too. Suddenly I hear feet rushing down the stairs. 

"RAFA!!!!" My little brother Bruno screams as soon as he sees me. I scoop him up in my arms turning in circles, which makes him giggle. 

I'm happy to finally see him again, he just comes too short since both me and Thiago and I have to do so much all the time that I really feel bad for him. "Bruno. How are you?" 

"Good, I played with Julia." He tells me proudly. "Really?" "Yeah she is really so cute and beautiful." Both Thiago and I crack up laughing, our mother says that he just comes after us. 

But in my opinion it's not that bad if he is like us, I'm mean look we are both doing what we love for living and we both have the most amazing women by our side. "So tell me, how was your date with Rosalina?" Thaisa asks me excitedly. 

I sigh and sit down next to Thiago on the couch lifting Julia up in my arms, holding her tight to me. She looks really sleepy and I hope that she won't fuss too much tonight. 

"It was great, no wonderful. We went to this nice restaurant near the harbour and afterwards we took a walk at the beach. 

You don't know how amazing it feels to hold her in my arms, I just love it. I love her, my girlfriend." 

At that Thaisa begins to jump up and down, screaming out of happiness, but I shush her immediately not wanting Julia to wake up. 

Thiago just slaps me on my shoulder congratulating me and Bruno sits down beside me looking at me with big eyes. 

Love always comes Unexpected (Rafinha FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now