47. Chapter

253 9 7

Rafinha's POV

"My god, can you please stop this fidgeting. It's making me nervous too." 

Once again my roommate Ney is getting angry at me. 

But honestly wouldn't he do the same if his girlfriend or wife lay at home heavily pregnant and he had to sit in a hotel room hours away not knowing what's going on at home. 

Seriously it's horrible, because I wouldn't even know if Rosalina were in the hospital already bearing the horrible pain of labour. So that's the reason why I can't sit still and constantly have to do something. 

I would be irritated by it too if I were him, but still I can't suppress it. I'm constantly worrying about the what if's. 

What if I can't be there when my child opens her or his eyes for the first time? What if something goes wrong? 

What if Rosalina hates me for not being there for her? What if my child will hate me for it? I couldn't cope with this. 

But in the end I can't do anything about it anyway since I actually do have to be here in Madrid doing the last training session and bringing the best performance I can on the field tomorrow for the El Clasico. 

Playing football has always been my dream and actually having the chance to do it for a living is still unbelievable, but in times like this I absolutely hate it. 

Every normal man would sit at home with his wife right now, supporting wherever he can and here I am not even being in the same city always working. 

Would I have been a manager everyone would call me a workaholic but no since I'm a football player the people actually expect me on the field tomorrow. 

Sometimes I think that the fans tend to forget that we too are normal human beings who have a family and feelings which are sometimes getting in the way of things. 

Sure, I'm not the star of FC Barcelona but imagine what would be if Messi wouldn't play in the El Clasico because Antonella was giving birth. Right you can't do it because it's unimaginable. 

We always have to be there and aren't allowed to put our families on top of our career. Never. A ball on my head brings me out of my depressing thoughts. 

"What's up with you." I yell angrily only to see the half of our team standing in front of me. 

"I thought you would need some distraction since you are only sitting on your bed worrying about Rosalina." 

Even though I might hate Neymar sometimes, moments like this remind me why we are such good friends. He is always looking out for me and supports me whenever he can in everywhere way possible. 

"You know, when Shakira was pregnant with Milan I wouldn't even leave her side for one second and I can only imagine what you are going through right now. But believe me when I say that everything will go alright. And even if she goes into labour tonight or tomorrow you just have to trust the doctors in Barcelona that they will do everything they can to help your wife just as you would do." 

Gerard is sitting down next to me and lays his hand on my shoulder. The few teammates who are already fathers themselves nod at his words while the others begin to set up the PlayStation in our room. 

After this little heart-to-heart we just play FIFA for the next hour or so and I can actually relax for a little bit. 

We joke around and just talk about our lives. We don't get to have such a get-together like this one where we can just talk and forget about the next game for at least a little while. 

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