35. Chapter

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Rafinha's POV

Fiancé. Rosalina is my fiancé. I still can't believe it. But I can clearly see the ring I put on her finger staring straight at me right now. 

Some may laugh at me now that I don't really think about our engagement but we haven't even talked about our wedding once since this amazing night. 

I don't know why, but I have the feeling that Lina doesn't want to be in the middle of attention. For some it wouldn't be a problem, but she always puts herself behind everyone else. 

She deserves so much better, she deserves recognition for everything she does. She has founded her own company and she even looked after Julia herself for some time right after her sister died. 

Even now she is alone most of the time since I'm away for games and trainings so often. I couldn't think of a better mother than my Rosalina. 

And soon she is going to be my wife but first we will have to start planning this wedding. 

"Lina, come here and sit down. There is already everything we need on the table. Just sit down please and relax for once." 

I get up to take her hand and lead her to the table where I push her down on a chair and massage her shoulders. "Mhmm, thanks Rafa." 

I give her one last kiss on her neck and sit down next to her. Luckily Julia is still sleeping so we have some peace and have time to talk about our wedding. At least that's what I want to talk about. 

"So today we have to go grocery shopping and Julia needs new clothes for the summer. And before you talk I know that you have training, so I will just do it on my own no problem." 

She smiles. See? That's exactly what I meant before. 

"No stop Rosalina. You can't just do everything on your own, you now have me by your side. And if you have forgotten already, I'm your fiancé and as your future husband I have to look out for you. I love you and I love it that you are always looking out for me, but seriously I'm a grown man and I can help you with the household and Julia." 

"Sorry." She mumbles while looking down at her hands. 

"No not sorry. Lina you don't have anything to be sorry for. Like I have already told you, I'm so happy to have you but I want to help you. Let's see, the today's training session is from ten to one so if you would drive me there and get me afterwards we can just go shopping together. I would love to see our little princess in pink dresses." 

Finally she looks up again and she even smiles. I love to see her smile. "Ok but only if it's no problem for you." "No problem at all, I love spending time with my two princesses."

Faster than I can see she sits in my lap and hugs me tightly. "I love you." She whispers in my ear before snuggling closer to me. 

"I do too. But princess we have another important thing to talk about." Immediately she sits up straight again. "What?" 

"Calm down, I only meant we finally have to talk about our wedding. I know you don't want anything big, but I don't want you to regret it afterwards. It should be the best day in your life and I want to make sure it will. First of all I have already thought about the date. Since this year Brazil is going to play both Copa America and Olympia I would love you to have you there and I thought maybe we could marry after both tournaments so at the end of August. I don't know about you but I would love to have the ceremony at the beach. It just makes me feel near Brazil. And you know how connected I still feel with my country. But if you want to marry elsewhere it's ok too just tell me and we will find the perfect venue for us." 

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