43. Chapter

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Rosalina's POV

Have I ever said that being pregnant is wonderful? Well it's not. You can't do anything and everyone treats you like you are disabled. Seriously I don't want to do this anymore. 

It's just annoying. Right now I'm not even allowed to work anymore because my doctor thought it would be better if I just lay around the whole day and I will tell you it's not. Everything would be better right now than laying here all the time with nothing to do. 

Even Rafa doesn't care for me he is always away on games or training. If you ask me he is just avoiding me or maybe he has another girlfriend. Not my problem. It's not like I'm his wife and currently pregnant with his child. 

You know what, maybe I should just pack up my things and leave him. Yeah, this would be the best. Just up and leave without anyone telling where I'm going. Maybe I will take Julia with me. Just girls time. I will start packing right now. I roll on my side and try to get up from the couch. Emphasis on the trying. 

"Hey, hey. What are you doing? You aren't supposed to get up. You know that Rosalina." I sigh and lean back on the couch. "What's up, sweetheart?" I just sigh again not wanting to talk to Rafa right now. "Lina, are you mad at me?" I only nod my head. 

"Well, I brought ice cream with me on my way home." Didn't expect that and I really want some right now but I'm still mad at him so I won't say anything. "And I bought chocolate even the one with Oreo in it." At that I turn to him immediately and kiss him fiercely. 

"You are the best. I love you so much and I'm so happy to have you as my husband." Rafa just laughs and hugs me tightly to him. "I love you too." "Could you maybe bring me some of the chocolate?" "Sure thing, babe." 

And once again he leaves me alone in the living room. Our baby moves around in its home which makes me have to go to the toilet, but as I try to get up I once again don't manage to do so. 

Tears trickle down my cheeks. I hate all these hormones but this is really frustrating me. I can't do anything on my own lately. I always need help no matter what I want to do and everyone treats me like a little child. 

"And here it is." I don't even look at the chocolate but just continue crying. "Hey, what's up now?" "I can't get up." I pout while Rafa laughs which makes me cry even harder. "Stop laughing." "Sorry but you are so cute right now." 

He wraps his arm around my shoulder and I lean against him. "So tell me what's up with you lately?" "You are never here for me. I'm always alone." 

"But you know that I have to. Believe me when I tell you that I really don't want to leave you here alone that much either, but it's my job. Whenever I walk out this door I worry about you. If I could I would stay by your said the whole time but sadly I can't. I love you." 

"I love you too." I cuddle up against his chest and close my eyes. 

"Can you help me up now I really have to go to the toilet?" "Sure." With that Rafa stands up and holds out his hands for me to take. "Thank you." 

I waddle to the downstairs bathroom and make my business. Ever since my tummy has grown I have to go to the toilet like a thousand times a day. It's quite annoying especially when I'm out shopping or something. 

"Everything alright again?" I nod and lay back down. "You know maybe you should get out some tomorrow." 

I look up at Rafa. Wasn't he just telling me that I'm not allowed to even get up and now he is telling me to go out? What happened when I was on the toilet? "Sure, but you know what the doctor said." I lean against him and he runs his hand through my hair. 

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