28. Chapter

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Rosalina's POV

Today is the day. I'm nervous and scared as hell. In just two ours a judge will decide whether I get Julia back or not. 

Even though both my lawyer and Sergi assured me that there is no doubt that I will get her back, I'm not as sure as them. 

Maybe they say that I'm not ready to be a mother to her, or that I'm working too much. Nonetheless I try to look serious, so I'm wearing a black skirt and a white blouse. 

I'm not sure how this will go along today but I know that I need to be calm about it. Luckily Sergi and Coral will be there for me for support too. 

The last three weeks have been hard for me, since I didn't really have anyone to talk to and I didn't want to bother them too much either, so I mostly just concentrate on my work and on decorating my new apartment.

Yesterday brought a surprise, because just when I was about to go to bed there was a knock on the door and when I opened it, Jules, Thiago's wife, stood in front of me. 

I was happy and engulfed her in a tight hug immediately. 

Tears streamed down my cheeks as soon as she hugged me back. She told me that Rafael had called Thiago and told him everything. 

They both were worried about me but since he couldn't just leave Munich so suddenly she decided to fly over here by herself. 

And I'm happy she did. We talked till 2 am not only about my dilemma but also about her live in Munich. 

I have never been to Germany before and I was curious what life over there is like. 

But what really knocked me out of my seat was when she said that she has been over to Rafael's house before she went to me. 

He felt terrible for what he did, at least that's what she told me and actually I can imagine that. 

Since the first day I can't help myself but feel kind of bad for him, since I know him and he wouldn't have done this on purpose but at the same time I can't just forget that he is the cause that Julia is currently living with another family. 

Everything I heard yesterday got me thinking, maybe I should have talked with him when I got my things from his house, but I just wasn't ready back then. Hell, I'm not even sure if I'm ready now. 

This situation is just so damn hard, but I promised myself that if I get Julia back today, I won't be too hard to Rafinha. 

My lawyer already told me that Rafael will lose his part of the custody no matter how the judge will decide in the end. 

But he also promised me that he will fight for Rafael, like I asked him to, so that he can at least see Julia whenever he wants.

"You ready?" Julia's voice gets me out of my thoughts. I nod and follow her out through the door to my car. Sergi said that he will meet up with us in front of the court. 

Even though I'm anxious of what will the judge decide, I'm also kind of excited to see Rafael again today. 

I have been in love with him, and still am, even though we aren't together anymore. 

Too often have I dreamed of coming home and seeing him sitting on front of my door but sadly it never happened. 

But I guess it's my own fault, since I'm the one who ended it, but you can't exactly blame me either. 

Sooner than I expected we are standing in front of the court and wait for Sergi and Coral to come. 

"Rosalina!" Coral happily hugs me. "Today will be the best day and we totally have to go out afterwards." 

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