38. Chapter

341 14 2

Rosalina's POV

Today is finally the day. In just a few hours I will be the wife of Rafinha Alcantara de Nascimento. As expected I didn't sleep that good tonight since Rafinha wasn't by my side and I'm actually too nervous that something might go wrong today. 

The clock rang early since the hairdresser and the make-up artist are going to be here soon. I seriously don't want to sit there for an hour or even longer, for me it would be perfect if I could just go with my every-day make-up and open hair, but no both Thaisa and Valeria want me to look like a princess, their words not mine. 

Nonetheless I would do everything to just stand there in front of Rafinha at the end of the day. "Well hello, hello!" Thaisa suddenly opens the door excitingly. 

"Come get up you need to get ready." She opens the curtains and before the sun can burn me I hide under my blanket. 

"Don't go back to sleep you don't have time for that." I just smile. "We even got breakfast for you." Well, this changes everything. I slowly turn on my side and sit up. 

"Now since you are finally up I'm gonna go get Julia while you shower and brush your teeth." "Thank you Thaisa." She gives me a kiss on the cheek and leaves the room. This day will certainly be exciting. 

After the shower I slip on my new underwear that I brought for the wedding and my gown over it. Thaisa really is a darling, whenever I need some time for myself she is there to look after Julia. 

This marriage makes me complete finally we are going to be a real family and I can't think of anything better. After all this planning and deciding whether the flowers should be white or red I'm so excited to walk down the aisle in just a few hours. 

Rafinha and I love each other so no matter what goes wrong today, we will be happy at the end of it because we have each other.

Thiago's POV

"Rafa you need to get up now!" I shout once again standing in front of his hotel room. Slowly I'm starting to worry, because this isn't like him at all. 

Normally is up at nine the latest but now we are already near eleven o'clock and the wedding is going to be in just about three hours. Where could he be? 

Maybe he is sick and lying in bed with a fever. What to do? Maybe I should just go down to the reception and get the key for his room. 

Luckily the man at the front desk knows me so he doesn't think I'm some crazy fan. As soon as I hold the key in my hand I run up again and open the door. An empty room certainly wasn't what I expected. 

But even as I opened the door to the bathroom and the balcony I didn't find my dearest little brother anywhere. Now I'm seriously worried. I can't just go to Rosalina and say 

"Hey, you know I don't have any clue where your fiancé might be but don't worry the wedding wasn't that important anyway, was it."

She would kill me, I'm sure. If she is anything like Julia has been on our wedding day, she will be extremely nervous already without knowing that her Rafinha is nowhere to find. 

I don't even know where to start looking for him. There is no chance that I search through the whole city in just a few hours, besides that you could also easily take a flight to anywhere in the world. 

I seriously don't know what he thought when he just left without saying anything. Don't get me wrong, if he told me that he wasn't ready to marry, because I know that he does love Rosalina so it isn't that, I would have helped him. 

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