4. Chapter

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Xavi's POV

Finally after several minutes a nurse comes out and tells us that we can follow her to Rosalina's room. Lena picks up the sleeping Julia and we both follow her inside the sterile room. There she lays completely motionless.

"Oh god." She looks horrible: pale like a ghost and her arm is in a cast from the fingers to the shoulder and her foot too is in a cast from the toes to the hips. I feel really bad that I didn't help her work in our house earlier.

Maybe this wouldn't have happened if I were there in the room with her. Lena leans into my side for comfort and I wrap my arm around her shoulder. Julia is still sleeping in her arms. I hope Rosalina wakes up soon, since we don't know who to contact for her and Julia.

"Come here let's sit down, I think we have to wait a while till she will wake up." I say to Lena and we go over to the couch and sit down. I get Julia out of my girlfriend's arms and cradle her in mine. She is such a sweet child and I hope to get a daughter like her too someday. "You look good with a child. I think I will keep you."

Lena suddenly says and I crack up laughing. "Oh, so you would dump me if I wouldn't look good with children?" "Mhm." I lean forward and kiss her, but a groan interrupts us. I look to my side where Rosalina is lying in the hospital bed. I can see her eyes begin to move and I get up immediately.

"Rosalina can you hear me? Everything will be alright, I will just get a doctor real quick." But before I can leave the room Lena stops me and decides to go herself since I still am holding a sleeping Julia in my arms. I go back to the bed Rosalina is lying in. When I stand beside her, she finally opens her eyes, but just a second later she closes them again with a painful expression on her face.

"Hey everything alright do you have pain anywhere?" "N...no but the light hurts my eyes." I quickly go to the light switch and turn the lamps off. "You can open them now. I turned the light off." "Thank you." She looks around the room and stops when she sees Julia cradled in my arms.

"Is everything alright with her? I'm so sorry, I hope she didn't cry and wasn't any problem to watch." She wants to hold out her arms for her niece, but when she sees the cast on her she gets confused. "What happened with my arm? Did I injure anything else when falling down that ladder?"

"Don't worry you just have a bruised spine, but you also have a cast on your foot, which means you won't be able to leave this bed anytime soon." With that she gets panicked. "Hey what's up?"

"I can't be in here, I have to work and look after Julia. I need to finish your house and my other client's. I can't do that. Here help me up, I need to go right now. Julia will wake up soon and she will be hungry and she won't stop crying till she has food inside her. So please bring me my stuff and help me up. Or wait I can do it on myself."

With that she tries to get up but even turning on her side seems to jolt a wave of pain through her body. "Hey, hey, hey. Stop it! You will just hurt yourself even more. Just lay here. I'm sure that it isn't a problem when you can't come to work for the next weeks, so don't worry about that one. And with Julia, what about her dad? Why don't you just call him?"

Suddenly I can see tears glistening in Rosalina's eyes. "Hey, Rosalina. What's up? Does anything hurt?" "N...no, it's just Julia doesn't have her dad anymore." "S...shit, sorry, but may I asked what happened. I mean first Lena tells me that you aren't Julia's mom but her aunt and now you tell me that she doesn't have a dad either."

"Her parents, my sister and my brother-in-law, died in a car crash about two months ago. Since I'm her godmother I got custody of her and since that they Julia lives with me and I care for her."

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