26. Chapter

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Rafinha's POV

Weeks have gone by and I have been okay. Not good, but okay. I hate being injured. And I feel so bad since I can't really help Rosalina either. 

She has to do all the work, be in her office, look after Julia and I am only sitting on the couch complaining over my injury. I know it's not the right thing to do but I just can't help it. 

Every day I have to see the pictures of the team training and the matches they play. "Rafa, stop sulking. Just a few more weeks and you will be able to begin training again." 

My lovely girlfriend says as she sits down next to me. Lina looks absolutely exhausted. Since Julia has been very difficult the last few nights she didn't get much sleep either. 

I think she is getting teeth or something and once again I feel remorseful that I can't help Rosalina more. I'm not exactly allowed to stand up just yet so I can't get Julia in the middle of the night. 

I can only hold her and try her to get her back to sleep but then she has to sleep in our bed, man I love saying that, and Lina is too afraid that we might crush her. It all is just so difficult. 

"Shall I take her for now? Maybe you could sleep some while I will look after Julia." I suggest. 

Too willingly she gives me my little princess who has been asleep in Lina's arms, since she always wants to be in one of ours arms nowadays while sleeping. 

As soon as I have her same in my left arm, I put my right one around Rosalina so she can lean against me and just minutes after she is breathing calmly which shows me that she already fell into a deep slumber. 

I hope that this helps her even though it only will be a little bit. I run my hand through her soft hair careful not to wake her. 

She is perfect, not once has she complained about anything. She is constantly running from one place to the next trying to manage not only her job but also looking after me and Julia. 

I envy her for her unbelievable strength. My mom has called her often, offering her help but she never wanted to accept even though I wish she would. 

I can clearly see the exhaustion on her face. I know how badly she needs a vacation right now, but I really can't leave Barcelona now that I'm about to start working for my comeback.

Julia just wakes up once and falls asleep again after some playing with my fingers. She seems to feel content in my arms since she is snuggling closer and closer to my chest. 

I love being a father, just this moments holding both my princesses in my arms makes me feel complete. That's everything I have ever wanted even though I didn't know it before I had it. 

Too soon a cell phone ringing wakes both Julia and Rosalina up. 

While my girlfriend is looking confused at first before quickly jumping up and running to her phone, Julia begins to cry and I try to calm her down. 

But nothing seems to help, I guess she is hungry or something but I can't do anything. 

Just then Rosalina comes running back with her phone between her ear and her shoulder taking Julia out of my arms. 

Back is the stress. I don't like this expression on her face, I like her being relaxed cuddled up to my side. 

Quickly I make the decision to call my mum. I know that Lina is too proud to ever take her on her offer so I will have to make this decision for her. 

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