30. Chapter

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Rafinha's POV

I don't know what I expected when I rang at Rosalina's apartment. But when Sergi opened the door I sure was surprised. "What are you doing here?" 

He still isn't too fond of me, even though he doesn't hate me anymore, Sergi is constantly reminding me that it's my fault. 

I don't blame him, he and Rosalina are best friends and I know myself that everything only happened because of me. "Is Rosalina here?" 

"No, she had to go to an important meeting. That's also why I'm here right now, to look after Julia." 

I look down on my feet, not sure what I shall say now. "Why don't you come inside? 

I'm sure Rosalina won't mind and Julia will be happy too when she wakes up and sees you here." I certainly didn't expect that. 

"Thanks." I follow him to the kitchen and we sit down. "Do you want something to drink?" 

"Some water would be nice." We sit down and talk some, nothing important, just about training and the current situation in the team. 

I actually like talking to Sergi, especially now that I only get to spend little time with the team. 

Sergi is telling me about Dani's fiancé as I hear a small cry coming from Julia's room. Sergi and I both stand up at the same time. "Do you mind if I go and get her?" 

Sergi only smiles at me kindly. "No, you are her dad after all." I nod and quickly make my way to Julia. Too eager to see her again, I just stop as I see her holding herself up in her bed. 

And it seems she is just as happy to see me as I am. Julia stops crying as soon as she sees me and as I lift her up she even giggles. 

Man, I have missed this. Just holding her in my arms and hearing her giggling and talking. 

I just hope that everything will be fine again soon and today will be the first step to a better future for all of us. I just need for Rosalina to come home and then I will ask her out for a dinner. 

And when she agrees to come with me, at least that's what I'm hoping for, I will just tell her everything that happened that night and day. I don't know but I have the feeling that today will be a good day. 

Maybe it's because I'm finally holding Julia again in my arms or that I have a plan worked out to get Rosalina back. I go back to the kitchen with Julia cuddled up to me. 

"You really love her don't you?" I stiffen as Sergi suddenly speaks to me. 

"Yeah." I stop as I look down at me little princess, I absolutely love her, 

"She is my everything. And I know you won't believe me, but I just can't live without her. I miss her so damn much and I just try to savour every single second I can spend with her." 

A lonely tear makes its way down my cheek. 

"I just miss the two of them so much. And together with my injury, it feels like my life is falling apart." 

I sit down on the chair and Sergi next to me. "Take deep breaths." He tries to calm me down as I begin to hyperventilate. 

"No, Sergi I can't. You don't know how I feel right now. You have your perfect life. You have your perfect girlfriend, your secured place in the team and I wouldn't be surprised if you became a father in the near future too." 

I take a deep breath, since I said all this in one breath too flustered to breath in-between. "You have everything and I don't have anything." 

With this last sentence all dams break and tears run down my face unstoppable. He just continues running his arm up and down my shoulder which actually helps. 

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