22. Chapter

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Rafinha's POV

I really take Thiago's words to heart. He is right, he always is. If I want to win Rosalina over I can't be sitting out here thinking about the what-ifs. No, I need to man up, go inside her just ask her to dance.

Inside I find Rosalina sitting with Julia on her lap immediately. Now I really feel bad. I promised her not only to be there for her all the time, I also promised her a dance. 

And I didn't even fulfil one of them. "Do you mind this dance?" I whisper into her ear as I'm leaning down and smiling at my two girls. 

Julia looks wide awake and I'm happy since now we are able to enjoy the wedding party even more. "I can't, what shall I do with Julia in the meantime." 

I smile. Rosalina is just the perfect mother always thinking about Julia but I know very well who can take care about her. "Don't worry. I know what to do." 

I quickly swoop Julia up in my arms, which makes her giggle. Luckily my parents' table isn't that far away and lay Julia in my sister's arms. 

"Do you mind looking after her for some time? I want to dance with Rosalina." Thaisa begins to laugh. "What's so funny?" 

"Oh you know. You have been in love with her for so long and you still haven't confessed with her. Hell, you just manned up enough to ask her for a dance. 

Rafa I always thought you are a man not a little boy. Just tell Rosalina already. And please make beautiful babies. Julia wants some sisters and brothers." 

I blush feverishly. 

Before she can embarrass me even more I quickly make my way back to Rosalina and lead her to the dancefloor. Luck must be on my side today, since just when we step on the dancefloor a slow song begins. 

I'm not a good dance. Sure I can dance Samba, I think every Brazilian can, but nothing like waltz or something like that. 

I just wrap my arms around her waist and Rosalina put her arms around my neck. I love holding her in my arms. We are swaying from side to side. 

While Rosalina is looking around the room, I can't take my eyes off her face. What would I do, to call her mine. As if she feels me staring at her, she looks up directly in my eyes. 

And just like that my mind goes blank. She is just so beautiful and I don't want to make a mistake which would make me lose her. But no risk, no reward. 

I lean down and kiss her. I don't mind that everybody around us is watching us. I don't care that we are standing in the middle of the wedding. I don't care about any consequences. 

The only thing on my mind is the feeling of her lips on mine. It feels like heaven and if I were to die right in this moment, I could rest in peace. 

Sure we have kissed before but we have both been intoxicated back then and now we aren't, at least I hope that she isn't drunk. I think this would break my heart even more. 

We break our kiss since we both need air to breath but I hug her tightly and she too tightens her arms around my neck. "Do you want to go home?" 

She whispers quietly into my ear, which makes a shiver go down my spine. I nod and we get Julia, say goodbye to Thiago and Julia and drive home.


Together we bath Julia and while Rosalina is tidying the bathroom after I played with Julia in the water, I get my little baby girl into her cute pink pyjamas. 

It has become a habit of ours to tuck Julia in her bed together. It just makes me feel like a family and I absolutely love it. 

I carefully lay her down in her bed and pull the blanket up, making sure that she is warm, as I suddenly feel a hand on my back. I look up and see Rosalina smiling down at us.

As soon as Julia has fallen asleep we leave the room but before Rosalina can go down that hallway I pull her to me and kiss her feverishly. 

I push her against a wall, and holding her tight to me. I lift her up and carry her to my room. 

There I push her on my bed and go on top of her, still making sure that she is comfortable and not crushing under my weight. 

How long have I been waiting for this to happen. I have dreamed of right this moment so often and now it get reality. 

She looks like a goddess laying there on my bed with her long hair spread out on the pillows. I kiss her neck before going down to her stomach. 

I want to caress her. I want her to feel loved and cherished. I don't know how it happened without me noticing, but suddenly we both have gotten rid of our clothes. 

Rosalina is running her fingers through my hair before running them down my back and pulling me even nearer to her. I want to be as near as possible and I want to hold her tight all night.


The next morning sun is shining on my face. I must have forgotten to close the curtains last night. Since I don't want to get up just yet I turn to my side as I suddenly notice another person lying next to me. 

All of last night's events come back to my event. The night was magical. I would do everything to have Rosalina in my arms every night and day. 

There is no better thing than to wake up with her in my arms. I tighten my hold around her enjoying every second of it. I just hope that this morning won't end like the last one did.

Rosalina's POV

As I wake up I can feel arms around me. Yesterday was wonderful. Never before have I felt this loved and all thanks to Rafael. I love him, but I'm too afraid of telling him. 

Maybe something will change after tonight. I hope it will. I snuggle into his chest enjoying his body warmth. 

"Good morning princess." I hear his raspy morning voice, which makes me love him even more. It's just so sexy. 

He kisses my forehead and as I look up his lips land on mine. He rolls on top of me and we begin another make-out session. But before it can get really hot I can hear Julia crying in her room. 

"Ugh, she sure is a cock blocker." I laugh while Rafael is looking really frustrated, which makes me laugh even harder. 

"Can you let me stand up? We can't just continue laying here while she is crying her heart out over there." Rafael sighs and rolls out of bed. "Don't worry. I will get her."

He comes back with Julia in his arms and lays her down in between us. To others we must be looking like a happy family, but sadly we aren't, yet. 

"Let's get some breakfast." We go down and I cook some breakfast for us while Rafa is feeding Julia. 

And just like that we continue with our day like nothing has happened last night or even this morning.


Ah, this is so frustrating. So they wake up in the same bed after spending the night together and still they don't confess their feelings for each other.

I hope you like the chapter and where the story is going in general.

I'm happy that Rafinha finally posts again. It seems his recovery is going well and I still wish him all the best.

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