41. Chapter

402 15 14

Rafinha's POV

"So how has the honeymoon been?" 

I just smile and don't say anything. Everyone has been asking me this today during and before the training. What is so interesting about it anyway? 

I really don't know if I'm honest. I mean it was just like a holiday, sure the first with Rosalina as my wife but it actually wasn't any different than our short trips before. 

Sure it has been amazing but I don't like to think that it was a one time thing, rather the beginning of the rest of our lives. 

"Come on, just tell me what sights you visited in Brazil. Did she like it?" Neymar just followed me out of the cabin to our cars which are parked right next to each other. 

"She loved it, especially your institute." "Wait what, why didn't you tell me that you were going to visit it, I would have organized something." I just laugh. 

"Well we didn't know it ourselves, it was just nearby and you have told her so much about it that she wanted to see it. It truly was amazing to see what you have done there for all these kids." 

This makes him smile like a little child on Christmas. "Glad you liked it." 

We say goodbye and I can finally drive home to my family. 

Even though it's already after the rush hour I still have to wait at like every crossroad. It's tiring especially since I know that Rosalina is waiting at home with food for me. 

As I once again come to a stop I see a pair crossing the road with a buggy. I sigh. That's the only thing missing right now in my opinion. 

Even though I'm extremely happy with Lina and Julia I still want to experience everything from the start. I want to sit there with the first picture of our baby in Rosalina's stomach or the first visit to the doctor's. 

I want to see what everyone is talking about when they say that the first look at their child is the most special one in their whole life. 

I want to be able to argue with Rosalina whether the child looks more like her or comes after me. 

Having someone who is half me and half my wife's surely is the best thing I can imagine right now. 

Sadly, Rosalina isn't really on my side concerning that, because she thinks it would be better if we waited some more years. YEARS! This really seems impossible to me. 

Everything has been going perfect, at least in my opinion, I help Rosalina wherever I can and Julia is just the perfect little princess. I don't see the problem and if I'm honest I can't understand her. 

Why can't she see the happiness that another child would bring in our lives? Sure it's also quite a work to have a second child but the happiness is worth it. 

We have been talking about this ever since we came back from Brazil and I don't think it will stop any time soon.

"Girls, I'm home." I shout as soon as I enter the house from the garage. 

"We are in the kitchen." I hear Rosalina's answer and follow her voice. It's absolutely wonderful to see the two of them cooking together. 

Rosalina is holding Julia with one arm while she is stirring the sauce for the noodles with the other. "Well hello." 

Julia giggles as soon as she sees me and stretches her little hands in my direction, so I go over and take her out of my wife's arm. While taking my little princess I kiss my queen on the cheek. 

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