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Rosalina's POV

I can only imagine what a shock it must have been for Valeria when she came back from the cafeteria only to find me gone and nobody to tell her where to. 

I feel really bad but from the moment I felt Rafa's arms around me I could only concentrate on one thing and that was bringing our boy to the world. 

Hearing his first cry was honestly the best moment in my whole life. One can't imagine what this feels like. 

One second you go through the most horrible pain and the other you are holding this perfect little human being in your arms and only feel love in your heart. 

The first few hours neither Rafa nor I wanted to let go of our little baby Alex. 

And honestly I wouldn't have given him away any time soon but I was so exhausted that I just couldn't keep my eyes open for one more second. 

Even though it was painful and exhausting the look on Rafa's face when he held his son for the first time was priceless. I think it was actually the first time I saw him cry. 

And I seriously love him that much more for giving me such a perfect family.

When Julia first visited her little brother in the hospital a day after he was born she was a little bit annoyed, because she just wanted to cuddle with me the whole time and Alex just wouldn't stop crying. 

She is just too little to understand that he just wanted something to eat, but luckily she now absolutely adores Alex. 

Nonetheless I'm a little bit anxious how it's going to be with two little children at home. But I'm still so happy to finally go home today and I love seeing Rafa getting Alex ready and strapped in the car seat. 

Later today our parents as well as Rafa's siblings will come and visit us. I'm just so happy that I can now finally call all these people my family. When I think back how different my life was before my sister died I can only say that it changed to the better. 

It might sound horrible, but her death brought so much good to my life. 

Through her I got the chance to be a mother to a lovely girl, and I got to know the most wonderful guy there is who I can call my husband today. 

But not only that. Thanks to Rafinha I also could make amends with my parents and we can finally establish a somewhat loving relationship. 

With the marriage also came another big loving family who I don't want to miss for the world. Rafa's parents always treated me like a daughter of their own and his siblings are just lovely. 

Julia, Thiago's wife, became one of my best friends and is now just another big sister to me. Last but not least I got the most beautiful boy who I can proudly say is my son. 

I just love how my life changed and I don't regret anything.

"You okay there?" I just nod and lean over the centre console of Rafa's car to kiss him. 

"I just thought how love really always comes unexpected."

The end.

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