25. Chapter

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Rosalina's POV

I was actually excited to come to Rome with Rafael but I didn't expect it to be like that.

Don't get me wrong I knew that they would have to rush from training sessions to press conferences but still I at least hoped to get to eat breakfast with him, but no I'm sitting here alone.

Not completely since Julia is sitting with me but there is nobody else. I don't even know where the other girlfriends and wives are but honestly I don't care either.

Antonella is kind of the only one who I get along with since she is pretty down to earth. The others all are either models or do other jobs in the spotlight of the media.

Maybe they are nice but I just don't get along with them since I'm not like them at all. Last night I laid awake pretty long thinking about everything that happened, I also thought about our relationship.

I love Rafael, even though it has been such a short time, he has stolen my heart and I don't even want it back.

This has never happened to me. Normally it was always my sister Maria, Julia's mother, who had the boys wrapped around her finger.

But don't get me wrong she always loved her boyfriends very dearly. And I was so happy when she met Marcus, I just knew that this is the right one for her the moment she introduced him to me.

He was just the right mix between craziness but he could also be very calm whenever my sister had her crazy moments. The perfect couple.

Man I miss them. But back to yesterday, even though I'm happy with Rafinha I also began to question myself and if I'm ready to be known as his girlfriend all over the world.

Especially after meeting all the other girlfriends and wives, who all are gorgeous models, I'm not sure if I'm good enough to be standing on his side. Also I'm not sure if I will be able to cope with all the press knowing everything about us.

And so often I have heard of jealous fans or couples breaking up due to wrong articles about one of the partners cheating on the other.

I don't want that to happen to us. I love him so much. And we also have to think about Julia, she has nobody left besides us.

Sure there are also my parents, but Maria and I never really got along with them. Hell, we haven't even talked to them in over five years and they also never showed up when Maria married or gave birth to Julia.

So I don't want to think that I might break up with Rafael just because someone is telling lies about him. I'm just so afraid.

"What are you thinking about, princess?" I know this voice. Immediately I turn around to wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him with every love that's inside me.

"Nothing. Why are you here already? I thought you would train today." He sat down beside me and lifted Julia out of her high chair and onto his lap.

"We actually do but only in about an hour, right now we only took a little walk and visited some sights." He grimaces and I laugh because I know how much he dislikes sightseeing.

"But don't change the subject. I can clearly see that something is wrong, Rosalina you can tell me." He looks down at Julia and takes her hands in his and claps them together.

"No there isn't anything. Don't worry all the time." I lean forward and kiss his cheek. He takes my hand in his. "Lina. C'mon we are alone here you can just speak to me."

I look around and he is right we are the only ones down here. "But I don't want you to be angry with me."

"I would never." He leads my hand to his mouth and kisses it. "I don't belong here." Rafa looks shocked.

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