40. Chapter

448 10 2

Rosalinas POV

Wake up, sleepy head. Rafa whispers in my ear and as I open my eyes I see we have already landed.

So many hours cramped in a tiny plane-seat are finally in the past, even though I must say it wasnt that horrible, since we did get quite a good meal and cosy blankets with pillows to sleep.

And now we have finally arrived in Brazil, the home country of my beloved husband. Man, I sound like an old woman. I still cant believe that Im married now, it just seems so unreal.

Just a few years ago I thought I would die alone and now here I am with a husband and a child. This is actually the only reason why Im not looking forward to the next two weeks here.

Julia isnt with us. Im certainly going to miss her and if Im honest, Im quite nervous too. What if something happens and Im not there. Sure, she has Thiago and Julia and I trust them to care for her, but still we are her parents we shouldnt leave her alone.

Stop right now. I see your worry marks on your face. This is our honeymoon and I dont want you to think about anything but us two. These two weeks are going to great and Im sure Julia will be just fine.

We pack our things and stand up to get out of the plane. As we take the first step out I think Im going to die. Its just so hot, you wont believe it and the humidity just makes it worse. You will get used to it, believe me.

We love and Rafa kisses my cheek which makes me blush. Normally, I dont really like showing public affection because I know how it is when you have to watch a happy couple all cuddled up.

As we leave the passport control behind us and got our luggage Rafa suddenly stops before passing the doors at the exit of the airport.

Welcome to my home, love. He leans down and kisses me, in the middle of all these people. He seems to notice my discomfort because he smiles against my lips.

You are my wife now, so I can kiss you whenever and wherever I want. Keep believing.

We both leave the airport laughing and get in a taxi which takes us to the hotel we are going to stay at for the next week.

The second week Rafa wants to show me the big cities all over Brazil, so Rio, Brasilia, Fortaleza, Belo Horizonte and Sao Paulo. This sure is going to be a stress week. Every day another city and all the flights in between. But I guess I will do everything for him to be happy.

Finally. One week just for the two of us. I cant think of any day we spent together without having to worry about work, football or Julia. True, these next few days are just going to be for us. He leans in once again and gives me a chaste kiss. I love you. I love you too.

After twenty minutes of driving we finally arrive at the hotel and I must say it looks amazing. Its situated right at the beach so we dont have to worry finding a private beach where we wont be found by Rafas fans.

When he first told me this I laughed so hard, I mean why should anybody actually come up to him and why should I worry about it, but then I saw what happened when he was in Brazil for the last day. It was actually frightening how many people know my husband.

To me Rafa is a normal guy who is now wed to me, but it doesnt really goes into my head that he is famous all around the world.

So what do you say, we just skip dinner and just spend some quality time in our room. He whispers in my ear. Will this guy ever grow up? I dont think so. But actually I wouldnt like that because I just love him the way he is.

Yeah, Im really tired due to the long flight. I say with a big smile on my face. He really believes me and I swear his smile falters. Yeah, right sleeping. I follow his fast steps to the elevator still wearing a big smile on my face.

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