5. Chapter

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Thiago's POV

How can my little baby brother do something like that. I always thought that he is mature enough to make the right things in life. I can't believe it. I really can't. I'm furious if I'm honest.

A little girl has to be alone just because my brother is too dumb to make the right decisions. And also how exhausting must it be for this woman to not only look after a little girl, but also probably works her ass off, so she can afford everything the baby needs.

My brother on the other side earns millions of Euros every years just for running up and down a field, don't get me wrong I'm a footballer myself I know how exhausting and demanding this job can be but seriously in comparison to other jobs it is easy money.

I really have to knock some sense into Rafinha's head. Just when I think that the "devil" himself comes through the door. "Hey bro what's up?"

I can't believe this guy. "You seriously think you can just walk in here and ask me what's up like nothing has ever happened?" He looks confused, I not it's not fair to talk to him like that right now, but seriously I don't care. He is such a dumbass.

"Thi, what do you mean? What has happened?" I smile at his dumbass. "Oh you know, Xavi, your best friend, just called me and told me that you are neglecting your godchild. How about that?"

I take a deep breath, trying to prevent blowing up. "When did you plan to tell me not only that you got custody of your godchild, but also that you didn't even meet her once. What do you think you are doing with your life?

What would have you done, if you didn't have any parents and then you hear that you actually have an uncle but he doesn't want to see you. I can tell you I would feel like I'm not good enough for my uncle because what other reason would there be that he doesn't want to meet me." He gasps like a fish.

Opening his mouth and closing it again, but no words come out. Actually I didn't expect to react him in any other way. I would have never thought that my own brother is such a coward.

"Ok then, just so you know. I won't let this little girl and her godmother alone, while she struggles herself. Do what you want. Party every day with your friend and get drunk for all I care, but don't expect that I will ever have the same respect for you again."

With that I turn around to get my jacket and shoes. I will drive to the hospital like I promised Xavi earlier. "W...wait did you just say that Rosalina struggles? What is she struggling with?" I get even angrier.

"So you care for Rosalina but not for your godchild? I can't believe you right now." "Don't you dare say that, I love Julia with all my heart." He slumps down on the couch.

"Thiago, I really don't know why I didn't call her, I really don't. Maybe I'm just too afraid of taking care of a little baby girl. You know I'm sometimes struggling at taking care of myself. Oh god I'm such a dumbass."

"Oh you certainly are. Instead of just trying to take care of her you just give up." "I know Thi, it was just, argh I don't know." He hangs his head low.

"Hey bro," I sit down beside him. "everything will be okay again, you just come with me to the hospital right now and then you will talk to Rosalina." "Wait what, at first you tell me she is struggling and now we are driving to the hospital what's going on?"

"Well like I told you earlier Xavi phoned me, well actually you but I answered your phone, and he told me that Rosalina, who is actually furnishing their rooms in their new house, fell of a ladder after getting an electrical shock.

Now she is in hospital and he is also the problem why Xavi called you since you are Julia's godfather. Rosalina has not only a bruised spine but also a broken arm and leg, so she can't leave the hospital for at least two weeks and she needs someone to look after Julia. And here you come."

He looks shocked as I tell him the story and just then I realize that he really loves Julia and I think he even cares for Rosalina. Suddenly he jumps up. "What's up with you so sudden?"

"I need to go to the hospital right now, I need to apologize and I have to help Rosalina and I have to get Julia and look after my little godchild." I follow him and just minutes later we sit in the car and are on the way to the hospital Rosalina is in.

Since I don't know Rosalina's full name, Rafinha goes to the front desk to ask in which room she is laying in. He comes back and tells me that we need to go up to the third floor and it is the sixth door on the left side. We do as we were told and just minutes later we are standing in front of the room door.

Rafinha seems to be very nervous, since he is currently fiddling with his finger and shacking like crazy. I have known him my whole life, but I have only seen him this nervous once and that was before his first game for the first team.

"Stop it, you are making me nervous too even though there is no reason. Tell me, why are you so nervous?" He calms down even though it is only a little bit.

"I'm afraid that she won't let me see Julia anymore and I don't want that because I really love this little cutie." I lay my arm around his shoulder to assure him that everything will be fine.

I knock on the door and wait for an answer and just seconds later Xavi, Rafinha's best friend, opens it. "Oh hey, so the jerk is here too. How delightful." "Hey cut it, first he is still your best friend and he is here isn't he."

Xavi nods and steps aside so that we can go inside. "She is sleeping, so I think we will just wait, I'm sure she will wake up soon and she really needs the rest." Xavi suggests and I nod.

When I want to look at Rafinha, he is no longer behind me, instead I find him leaning over a little baby sleeping in the arms of the woman sleeping in the hospital bed, who seems to be Rosalina. He is carefully moving his fingertip across the baby's cheek.

I keep watching him and I swear he looks like he has never done anything else than looking after Julia. When she begins to squirm, Rafinha immediately lifts her up in his arms and rocks her from side to side, so that she calms down again and continues again.

After some more time waiting Rosalina opens her eyes with a painful expression, but when she sees Rafinha the look on her face gets angry.

Hey all my sweet readers, first of all thank you for the over 500 reads already. I hope you like the chapter and I'd love to hear your opinions :)

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