27. Chapter

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Rosalina's POV

I'm worried. I come home to a crying Rafael and he still hasn't told me what's going on.

Maybe something happened to one of his siblings or his parents. But as I ask him, he only shakes his head.

I can't think of anything else that might be wrong so I will just have to wait for him to tell me.

Even though I really want to see Julia again, I know he needs me right now and she is asleep anyway.

"Please tell me. Rafa I'm getting worried. What's wrong?"

He only mumbles something against my shoulder which I can't quite get, but it sounds like she is gone.

"What, speak a little louder so I can understand you." "She...she is gone."

"Who died? Rafa. Please tell me." He hugs me tightly as if I were to run away. "Julia, they took Julia away."

Wait, what. Immediately I step out of his embrace and tears fill my eyes. "What do you mean with Julia has been taken away?"

This must be a bad joke. As fast as I can, I turn around and run upstairs to her nursery.

I hope that he is just playing a trick on me. Julia will be just fast asleep in her little bed in her cute, pink pyjama. I'm sure.

But my hopes get crushed when the room is completely empty and when I open her closed, half of her clothes are missing too.

No, no, no. I fall on my knees like the sobbing mess I am as Rafa comes walking in with his crutches.

"Lina. I'm sorry." "Don't you dare calling me that!  Go! Go, right now. I don't want to see you."

I don't look up since I know that I would break even more if I saw his sad face. As soon as I hear him going downstairs I rush to our bedroom to pack all my things.

I really don't want to live in the same house as him, not when it's his fault that Julia is now living in a child home.

In the end I decide to only pack one bag which I can easily carry with me and I will just get the rest another time.

I run down and try to get on my shoes as quickly as possible, trying to prevent talking to Rafinha.

"Stop. Rosalina please stay. Lina I need you." I just look at him angry.

"No, I can't continue living with you like nothing happened. Just because you thought it would be great to make party."

He looks shocked that I know the reason why they brought my little baby away.

"Surprised, well if you didn't want me to know of your little party you should have at least put away all the empty bottles downstairs."

Even more tears fall down his cheeks.

"Julia now has to live with unfamiliar people even though she has already lost her whole family."

I know it's not fair but he needs to see the consequences his behaviour has on Julia's future. Rafael lets his head hang low.

"I'm sorry. Just know that I'm always there for you."

He whispers nearly too quiet for me to hear. Instead of answering I just turn around and leave the house which has become my home in the last few months.

I don't know what to do. I don't really know anybody here since I have always been on my own, too concentrated on my career. It never really bothered but now I'm all alone.

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