21. Chapter

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Thiago's POV

It's the best day of my life. I have always hoped to marry the love of my life one day but never have I thought that Julia would be my wife.

I mean she is absolutely gorgeous and I love her so much. The moment she said yes to marrying me, I was the happiest man alive.

And the moment the priest announced us husband and wife was unbelievable. Now she is standing next to me, greeting all our guests while I can't take my eyes off my beautiful bride.

I'm so happy that all of my friends and family are here today to celebrate with us and I'm looking forward to partying with them.

The last few days have been very stressful but right now I just feel so at ease with my wife beside me. This sounds so fabulous, my wife. I look down at her and kiss her on the hair.

She looks like a princess, my princess. "Stop mentally undressing her, you will have enough time for that tonight." Xabi suddenly says.

We both burst out laughing while Julia and his wife look at us as if we were idiots, which we probably are. "Nice to see you Xabi. I'm happy you could make it." We bro hug.

"Sure, do you think I would miss my bro's wedding?" We are such fools. I always feel sorry for Pep since we are always playing tricks on him during training just like Franck and David.

Finally after we have greeted every single guest we are making our way to the party location. It looks just as amazing as the venue.

"May I have this dance?" I ask Julia who looks so amazing in this dress that I actually want to take her to our room right this second. She nods and I lead her to the middle of the dancefloor.

We haven't learned anything special we just wanted to be near each other and enjoy our first dance as a married couple. Everyone is swooning at us but I don't care.

The only thing on my mind right now is my wonderful wife who I'm holding in my arms. After this wonderful song the others join us on the dancefloor.

"I can't dance any longer. Would you mind to sit down for some minutes?" Julia asks me after us dancing song after song. I too was totally exhausted so we both go back to our table.

"Jules, thank you for making me the happiest man today."

I kiss her on her cheek and wrap my arm around her. We just sit there and watch our friends and family having fun on the dancefloor or just talking to each other.

I smile and I think it won't leave my face for a long, long time. I just let my eyes wander around the room, as Julia is talking to Antonella.

I still find it surprising that she is still good friends with Leo's girlfriend even though we are living in Germany now. But then I see Rosalina sitting all on her own at her table with Julia in her arms.

I'm furious, sure I'm not going to let anything ruin this perfect day, but still I want to know why Rafa is letting her alone once again.

This can't be true. He promised me to look after her since she doesn't know anyone besides us here.

Rosalina is his freaking date. Shouldn't he be dancing with her or at least talking? But no he isn't seen anywhere. "I'm sorry, but I need to look for something."

"What's up? Where are you going?" I don't want my mood to ruin her happiness.

"Nothing, I just need to find Rafa once again. Rosalina is sitting on her own over there and I'm curious where he is."

She nods, but instead of continuing talking to Antonella, as I thought she would, both of them stand up and make their way over to Rosalina and Julia.

I look around but I don't find him anywhere, so I decide to go outside. Maybe he went out to get some fresh air or something. Okay this sounds wrong, even to me.

As I go to the back of the garden I suddenly see him sitting under one of the trees.

"What are you doing here?" I sit down next to him, not caring about my suit right now. I know I should, but if my little brother has a problem nothing else matters.

Oh no, this must be really serious if he isn't even answering me just ripping out the grass around him.

"Stop it. Come on you can tell me, whatever it is that makes you so sad." Rafa sniffles. Wait, what? I look at him but he isn't crying, yet.

"Okay now I'm really worried. Rafael you can talk to me. What's wrong?" "Rosalina." Is the only thing he says. "I guessed."

I know how difficult it is to talk about ones feelings, so I just sit next to him not saying a thing, just waiting for him to tell me what's wrong. "I love her."

"And why is that a problem? I thought you have already known that weeks ago, didn't you?" Why is he sad then or depressed whatever you call it.

"No, but I really love her and I don't think she feels the same and she looks so beautiful today and I love that everyone is talking about us.

That everyone thinks that we're a couple and then I remember that we aren't together.

I want her to be my girlfriend or even more, but she doesn't even remember our kiss." He grips his hair as if he wants to rip it out.

"Stop it. I'm not sure if your feelings are mutual but you sure won't find out by sitting here under the tree and letting her sit in there all alone. Rafa she doesn't know anybody and you just leave her on her own with Julia. That's not fair.

She is only here because you wanted her to come and then you leave her. That's not the way to make her love you."

Rafinha nods and whips his face on his sleeve. "Come on little brother let's go back inside." We both stand up and I hug him.

I know it's not that normal for boys to hug each other but I know that this is exactly what he needs right now. "Go and get her, man." He laughs with a sad smile on his face.

Together we enter the room and I immediately go to my wife. I'm sure Rafael will do the right thing so I don't really worry about him right now.

The only concern for me is my wife and it will be for the whole night and even the rest of my life. I find Julia back at our table looking at me like I was a prince or something.

"Hey, did you sort everything out?" After kissing my beautiful wife, man I love saying that, I sit down next to her.

"Yeah, I found Rafa sitting under one of the trees and talked some sense into him. I just hope that he will take my advice to heart and finally asks Rosalina out."

Julia sniggers and leans against my side. "I'm sure he will. They are such a perfect couple."

I nod and let my eyes wander around the room. I get worried when I only see Thaisa, my sister, holding Julia, but not Rosalina.

"Do you see Rosalina anywhere?" Julia laughs. "Oh yes, I do." Curious of what she finds so funny I follow her eyes and see Rafael dancing with Rosalina in the middle of the dancefloor.

And they are... This can't be true. There they stand. Kissing in the middle of the dancefloor on my wedding.


Ah, they kissed again. What do you think happened between these two before the kiss?

I hope you have a great weekend so far.

What did you think of Rafinha's video? I found it so cute that he thanked all his fans and that he even explained why he didn't post anything for the last month.

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