36. Chapter

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Rosalina's POV

Today is the day. No, not my wedding day. But today I'm finally getting my dress. At least I hope so. 

"Come back here.", my lovely fiancé whines as I sit up to get ready. "Sorry, but I can't. You now that I'm going dress shopping with your sister today." 

It hasn't been a hard decision when I chose Thaisa, Rafinha's sister, as my bridesmaid since she is the closest thing I have to a sister. 

"Can't you do this another day, I want to spend time with you." He mumbles once again. I don't know what's up with him lately but he is like a little baby, always wants to cuddle and spend time with me. 

Since I do want to stay in bed too, I lay back down and snuggle to him closely. "Mhm, the best feeling in the world. I love you Lina." 

He leans down and kisses me. It's true, it sure is the best feeling laying in his arms like that. "Aren't you also going shopping for a tux today?" 

Rafa only nods and hides his face in my neck. "Can't we go together? You always find the best clothes for me." 

"Rafa, you know that it's bad luck to see the wedding dress before the wedding, so no sorry we can't." As it's already nine a.m., I decide to finally get up and get ready for the day. 

I'm actually surprised that Julia isn't awake just yet, but I guess she just needs her sleep since she went to bed so late yesterday. 

Last night Rafa's family visited us and it was lovely to have all them in our house just talking and eating Valeria's amazing food. As I look down Rafa has already fallen asleep again. 

I really don't like waking him, but I know that his brothers as well as Jonathan (dos Santos) and Neymar are going to be here soon. I lean down to kiss him since I know how much he loves it to be waken up like that.

"I could get used to this." He smiles as soon as he sees me leaning over him. I smile back at him and we both get up to go to the bathroom. While Rafa is showering, I brush my teeth and hair. 

"Do you know when you will be back, I would love to take you out today." He is such a sweetheart and he tries so hard to make me happy, as if we aren't engaged but just at the beginning of our relationship. 

"It depends if I find a dress or not, but I would say at five the latest." "Ok, sweetheart." 

Rafa suddenly says behind me hugging my waist tightly. I turn around and I must confess that getting back to bed is really tempting right now. 

Rafa looks just so hot with his muscles and this sharp jaw and the water droplets running down his body just make everything better. 

"A picture will last longer." And just like that he is back to his normal way. "You are such an idiot." "Your idiot." 

He leans down and kisses me, but it doesn't last long because we hear Julia in the other room. 

"I will get her, you get ready, your brother and friends will be here soon." With this I leave the bathroom to get Julia, who is already standing in her bed and smiles as soon as she sees me. 

"Dada?" She asks sweetly. Well there we have it again, she just like Rafa so much more. Whenever I'm there with her, playing or cuddling with her, she always wants Rafa there too. 

"He is in the bathroom and will be here shortly, sweetheart." I lift her out of the bed and get her ready for the day. 

As I want to carry her down she begins to wiggle around, so I let her down and hold her hand while she walks with babysteps. Julia is already walking so well but still I'm too afraid to actually let her walk down the stairs, so I carry her the few metres, even though she is kicking her little feet. 

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