14. Chapter

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Rosalina's POV

I hate traffic but today it's even worse since I'm already late on my way to the training centre Rafinha is currently at. I don't want to have to wait any longer but the meeting has lasted longer than I have thought at the beginning. Luckily the sign which shows the entrance of the training centre of FC Barcelona comes in sight. 

Finally, after an hour driving through the city I park on the parking space after talking to the guard at the entrance. Rafael seems to have informed him of my arrival so I can drive in without any problems. My car looks out of space between all these Audis and Porsches. 

And to think that my former best friend Sergi owns one of them is unbelievable. I step out and make sure that my clothes look alright. I get my purse from the passenger seat and make my way inside. 

Honestly I haven't expected it to be so big, this looks more like a whole stadium than just a little training centre to me. I don't even know if I'm going the right way as a man in a training kit comes way. 

Since he is wearing the kit he is either one of the coaches or one of Rafael's teammates. As I get nearer I can see him better and I have the feeling that I have seen him before somewhere. "Excuse me. Could you maybe tell me where I can find the training field?" 

As I stand right in front of him, I notice he has the number ten on his shorts so he must be one of the players. "Sure, you must be Rosalina, Julia's godmother." I smile despite of being shocked that he knows me. 

"Yes, nice to me you..." He lets out a nice laugh and holds out his hand to shake. "Lionel Messi, but please just call me Leo." 

Now I know why I have thought that I know him earlier, actually it's pretty embarrassing to not recognize on of the best footballers there is right now, especially since I'm living in Barcelona for a long time already and he gets treated like a god here. 

"Sorry, that I didn't recognize you." "No problem, actually I like it pretty much when I don't have to be the famous footballer but just plain old me." He really is nice and totally down on earth. 

"So back to your question, just follow this hallway and at the end there are stairs and upstairs you will already see the pitch. I think Rafinha is still out there." 

I thank him and I follow his directions while he enters a room which I guess is the changing room.

As soon as I climb the stairs I can already hear many voices joking or just talking. The sun blinds me as I step outside so I can't see who is talking but as my eyes adjust I can immediately see Julia in Neymar's arms sitting in the middle of the field. 

On their side is another man pulling faces and trying to make Julia laugh. So far nobody has noticed me and I'm not sure if I want them to. 

I look around and finally see Rafael sitting alone on one of the benches next to Julia's cot. I sit down. "It's lovely to see her so happy, isn't it." I startle him when I say this since he too was watching Neymar and the other man playing with Julia. 

"Yeah, she slept nearly the whole time and then just watched me training. At least that's what my coach said." I smile, move to his side and kiss his cheek. "Hi, so I guess everything was okay." He lays his arm on my shoulder and pulls me into his side. 

"Absolutely, how was yours?" "Same, but could you tell me who this man is sitting there with Julia and Neymar?" It amazes me that I feel that comfortable this near him even though I don't know him that much. 

I just feel safe whenever I'm near him. "Oh this is Dani Alves he is also Brazilian and Neymar's best friend here in the team. I hope you don't mind him playing with Julia." 

"No why should I, I trust you." He tightens his hold and I guess we look like proud parents watching their child right now. But our peace gets interrupted too soon by someone calling my name. 

"Rosalina is that you?" I look up and Sergi is standing in front of me. "Sergi!" I jump up and right in his arms. My, he looks exactly like three years ago when I last saw him. "What are you doing here?" 

His hugs feel just like they used to. "Well I guess you have already met Julia. I'm her godmother. And since I heard that you are in the same team as Rafael, I wanted to meet you." He laughs. "I would have never thought to see you again. I have to tell you so much and I guess you have to too." 

I nod. "Come on, back there is a canteen where we can get some coffee and catch up with our lives." I look back at Rafael who is smiling at me and nods. 

"Okay. Let me just say hello to Julia quickly." So I run over and hug my little bundle of joy and greet the two footballers who are sitting with her before running back to Sergi and following him to the canteen.


"So what have I missed?" Before he voices a single word I can already see nothing but love in his eyes. "Actually I have a girlfriend now, Coral. She is really sweet and I think you would like her too." I smile. 

Sergi has always thought that he would end up alone since he was the only boy in his group without a girlfriend by then. But I knew that he wouldn't since he is such a perfection of a boyfriend. 

"I'm happy for you." "And what about you? I'm sure there must be a special person in your life. I mean look at you, I would have never thought that you can get even more beautiful." 

I giggle. "Such a charmer you still are. But no, there isn't. My life only revolves around Julia right now and I don't want to change that." Suddenly a sad smile comes on his face. 

"So it's true?" He inhales shakily. "Maria is dead?" I nod. It's too soon to talk about it but I know that he wants to hear everything since he too grew up with her. 

"She died in a car crash together with her husband. Julia luckily survived and since Rafinha and I are her godparents we got custody of her." He goes over and hugs me and only then I notice that I have begun to cry again.

Rafinha's POV

I have sat down with Dani and Neymar playing with Julia after Rosalina has left with Sergi. Her smile when she saw him again was amazing, I have never seen her that happy but I also have to admit that I got insanely jealous. "Hey, what's up?" "Nothing, nothing." I utter while continuing to pull out grass. "Spit it out." 

Why, oh why does he know me that good? "I don't know. Today she asked me if I could help her get her things back to her own apartment, but, but..." 

I don't know how to say this without sounding lovestruck. "I don't want her to move out. This last few week have been the best in so long. 

I really feel like I have my own little family right now and you were right it is amazing. I know that I won't see Julia that often anymore when Rosalina moves out and the same will happen with Rosalina." I look down, too afraid of Dani's and Neymar's expressions. 

"Rafa, have you fallen in love with her?" He asks carefully, as if he is afraid that I will snap at him. "I think I have."


OH, what do you have to say about that?

Hope you are all fine and still like the story :b

Who else is excited for the EC qualifiers? 

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