12. Chapter

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Rosalina's POV

As I wake up again I'm still wrapped up in Rafinha's, sorry I mean Rafael's, arms. It is amazing to wake up in a man's arms even though he isn't my boyfriend or anything I still feel kind of cared for. I smile as I see Julia lying on his chest and also fast asleep. 

Rafael too looks really relaxed and years younger than he seems to be when he is awake. Actually I don't even know how old he is. This shows me once more that I really don't know anything about him. 

Some people must think I'm stupid living in a house with a man I don't even know. But on the other side he is also Julia's godfather and he hasn't been anything but nice to me so far. And I also feel safe around him as odd it may seem. 

As I look at his face again I can't help it to brush my fingers through his hair. It feels as amazing as it looks. Do you know the feeling when you feel jealous of how some men have better hair than you well that is what I feel right now. 

To my utter surprise his face snuggles into my neck. I stop brushing his hair afraid to wake him up, since I know how tired he must be after the tiring training sessions he has every day. 

"No, don't stop." At first I think that he is talking while dreaming something but when I look down at Rafael he looks at me with sleeps eyes, so I put my hand back in his hair and brush through it. 

He hums in pleasure and closes his eyes again. He carefully lays Julia down in between us and turns so he lays on his side looking at me. "You don't even know how much I love this." 

"What? Sleeping?" He chuckles lightly. "No when someone is brushing through my hair." I smile. "It's just relaxing and I don't know it makes me feel loved since my mum has always done this too." 

My smile widens and I don't know why but my heart warms up. "I think I should carry Julia back to her bed." Rafael looks down at her lovingly and then at me. 

"But please stay here I want to lay back down beside you again when I come back." He once again kisses my forehead before standing up, lifting up Julia and going upstairs. 

I feel all tingly and warm inside but I don't think it's because I'm in love or anything, it has just been a long time since somebody as hugged me or even showed any affection to me. Since I don't have a good relationship with my parents, my sister has always been the only one who has hugged me or has been there for me. 

Just as he has said Rafael lays back down beside me as he comes downstairs again. "What do you want to do right now?" I ask him since I kind of feel like the silence between is suffocating me. 

"Well I don't know about you but laying here is comfortable so I don't really want to get up." "Same. Maybe we could use the time we have till Julia wake up again to get to know each other better." I say but it comes out more as a question. 

"That's a great idea. Well if you don't mind we could just make it like 20 questions?" I nod and I feel him smiling against my neck since he has snuggled up against it again. 

"So what do you want to know about me?" "First of all, how old are you?" "22. My birthday is the twelfth of February. I know you may not ask a woman about her age, but I still want to know it." I laugh at his cuteness. 

"You are right, one doesn't ask a woman that but I'm 21." He smiles at me expectantly. "What?" "Well since I also said it, I want to know yours too." "Actually my birthday is in two weeks on the first of September." 

He smiled. "One of my teammates has the same birthday. But back to the questions so what's your favourite food?" 

"Well that's a good question even though it is also a little bit cliché. But honestly I don't have a clue, I actually like everything besides tomatoes and seafood. What about you." He lifts his head up and looks at me with a big smile on his face. 

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