29. Chapter

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Rafinha's POV

How? Why? When? That's the questions I ask myself. 

How does Julia know that I'm her dad, even though I haven't been around her for such a long time? 

Why does she suddenly say this to me and just breaks my heart all over again? And when has she started speaking? 

I'm shocked. Simply shocked. I'm her dad and I'm missing out on so much. 

I knew before that I totally fucked up, but it seems it all just dawns on me yet. I missed her first step and also her first word. 

Most possibly I will also miss her first day in school and when she brings home her first boyfriend. 

I know I deserve it, but it's horrible. Julia should be a happy girl, with a healthy family, not just a mother. 

She already has gone through so much and I just have to worsen it. "Sorry." I quickly excuse myself and leave the room after giving Julia back to Thiago. 

As soon as I live the room tears fall down my cheeks. I sit down on Rosalina's couch and just cry. 

It's not fair for me to cry, since I'm not the victim here, but still I'm sitting here like a sobbing mess. "Rafa, calm down." 

I'm scared as I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder, but relax some as I see Thiago sitting behind me. 

He wraps his arms around me. This embrace from my brother is exactly what I need right now. 

Every day he is in Munich, I miss him, he was always the one who was there for me and helped me up whenever I fell down. Without him I wouldn't stand where I'm today. 

I wouldn't have become such a great footballer and I sure wouldn't play for FC Barcelona. All thanks to Thiago. 

"I can't Thi. I ruined everything. It's my fault that Julia doesn't have the healthy family she actually deserves. 

I know that it has already been months but seeing her walk today and then when she called me her dad, it just dawns on me. I'm missing out on everything." 

I cry on his shoulder. I know it's pathetic but I can't help it. 

"Rafa, please calm down, everyone is waiting for us to come back and do you know what." I only shake my head. 

"This was actually Julia's first real word so you don't miss out on everything." 

A big smile comes on my face even though I still haven't stopped crying. 

"And haven't you told me that Rosalina wanted to talk everything out with you after court date? Jules too told me that Rosalina misses you. Have you known that she cried every night?" 

No, I certainly haven't. Man, I'm such an idiot and I haven't even called her after the court date. 

"So, don't think that your life has stopped. Do you remember what I have always told you?" 

"It doesn't matter when you fall, as long you stand back up." We smile. I hug Thiago tightly. 

"Thank you." "Don't. It goes without saying." I don't know what I would do without him.

We go back to the dining room. "We thought you have hugged each other to death in the living room." 

And with that the happy mood is back and I'm finally feeling good again. 

Not perfect, but good. Even Rosalina smiles at me. 


Julia shouts as soon as she sees me and this time I'm not as shock and just go over to her to pick her up. I love having her in my arms. 

It's true that your daughter will always be the most important girl in your life. 

I just hope that she will still love me and Rosalina when we tell her about her real parents. We will just have to wait and see. 

The rest of the afternoon I spend with Julia playing and walking around Rosalina's apartment. 

It amazing to finally be able to spend some more time with her. I just hope that one day everything will be okay again. 

But I know that I will have to fight for a happy end. And I sure will.


It has been a week since Julia's birthday, but other than the other weeks since that dreadful day it hasn't gone wasted. 

No, every single day I thought about how I could win my two girls back. 

I know that it won't be easy, but I will do everything to get them back and finally have a happy end. 

I have started working on my comeback too, which makes me happier with every single training. 

I also have started to meet up with my friends again, which I think also helps me. 

I can't even think how I could just abandon them. 

The talk with Thiago the other day really opened my eyes and I now know that I have to fight for my happiness. 

I was crushed after getting injured but I realized that this setback happened for a reason. 

The injury makes me stronger and it also shows me that not only my teammates but the whole club stand behind me and believe in me. 

When the club wanted to meet up with me to renew my contract already, I was over the moon and it just gave me another reason to fight harder for my comeback. 

But even more important and harder is my fight for Julia and Rosalina. 

I miss my two girls more than anything and I will do everything that it needs to get them back. 

I already have a plan worked out but I need help for the finishing touches so I called Neymar over. 

Ever since he came to Barcelona he is like my big brother and I'm happy to have him by my side nearly all the time since Thiago always is in Munich. 

"So you want to take her out for dinner and talk everything out?" 

I nod too concentrated on looking for the perfect location. "Yeah, but I still don't know where or when." 

"And that's why I'm here?" I nod again. "You want something special, right?" "Mhm." 

"Well, why don't you do it on her favourite place here in Barcelona? If you know it, that is." 

"I do know her favourite spot, but how shall I manage setting up a romantic dinner there. It is a public place and I'm sure, I can't just set up a table there." 

Neymar only laughs and honestly it makes me really mad. I'm sitting here all anxious and he only laughs at my misery. 

"Why are you laughing?" 

"Rafa, you dumbass. Why do you always forget who you are? 

You are playing for FC Barcelona and I'm sure that whoever owns that spot will be happy to give it to you for the night. 

Maybe he will want a signature or a picture with you, but I'm sure you can manage that, don't you think?" 

With new found confidence I call the man who owns the place which I know Rosalina loves and luckily he agrees to my offer. 

"Well, let the mission begin."


So what do you think of Rafa trying to get Rosalina back?

Do you think he will succeed?

Do you have any guesses where he will take her?

I hope you are all well and you enjoyed the chapter :)

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