32. Chapter

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Rosalina's POV

Everything is perfect. I feel like nothing can bring me down right now. I'm back with Rafa and today we are going to move back in with him. 

Luckily his family agreed to help us, since it isn't as easy as I thought. 

Right now we are carrying the box with Julia's and my things down to the cars so that we can drive them over to Rafa's house. 

I'm excited, but I don't know why. I have lived there before and still it is a new beginning and I'm looking forward to it. 

Maybe it's also because we are now officially together and even his fans know now. It just feels like this will be forever. Like this move will be final. 

And honestly it wouldn't be that bad. Joking, it's not bad at all. Actually, I would love it. 

"What are you thinking, princess?" I smile up at Rafa as he kisses my temple. "Nothing." 

I turn around to wrap my arms around his waist. I just love holding him and especially feeling his toned abs. 

"Are you touching my abs?" "Nooooo." 

We both burst out laughing. As we have both calmed down he leans down to whisper in my ear. 

"You know, I don't mind at all as long as you are the one staring and feeling them up." It has been horrible these past few days. Constantly bickering each other, but nothing more. 

Ever since the day we got back together we have only kissed. Only kissing. It's just horrible. Especially since there isn't a special reason behind it either. 

He actually is allowed to train with the team again, so we don't have to look after his knee anymore. But sadly every time we want to make out we get interrupted. 

Whether the doorbell is ringing or Julia starts crying. It's frustrating and I don't know how much longer I can do this. 

"You don't know how I happy I am that you are moving back in with me." He twirls me around before he hugs me tightly. 

"Stop it lovebirds. We are ready, so come on and get in the car." 

Thaisa suddenly says next to me. I jump at her sudden appearance which makes the two siblings laugh. Since I don't get them to stop I just take Rafinha's hand in mine and drag him down the stars. 

As we step out of the apartment complex I have been living in the last few months, I see Rafa's mother standing in front of my car with a giggling Julia in her arms. It's wonderful to see them together. 

I never had a loving family like Rafinha does and I'm happy that Julia gets to grow up in a perfect, happy family. 

"Princesa, don't think so much. Come sit down in the car so I can drive you to your castle." We laugh once again. Rafa is such a goof sometimes, but I absolutely love it.

Once arrived in the house Rafa quickly gets out of the car and opens the door for me but before I can even step a foot outside he lifts me up in his arms. 

"What are you doing?" I ask him while giggling hard. 

"I want to carry my woman over the threshold. Is that so wrong?" 

I only shake my head. Such a goof, see.

Finally, after an hour of carrying all the boxes back inside our house we can sit down and relax. 

Rafinha's family already drove home since they too are exhausted from moving and just wanted to go to sleep. Julia is also already asleep in her new old room and so we are completely alone. 

Love always comes Unexpected (Rafinha FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now