46. Chapter

199 9 4

Rafinha's POV

Just a few more days and I will finally be able to hold my second child in my arms. It can't be described how I feel right now. 

On the one hand I'm ecstatic and utterly happy, but then there is also fright and anxiety, what if I can't be there to support Rosalina or something goes wrong, what if the baby isn't laying right or its umbilical cord is wrapped around its neck. 

I don't think I could live with it if something were to happen to Rosalina or the baby. I would always wonder if I could have done something differently or helped her more during the pregnancy. 

"Rafa go to sleep it's already two in the morning and you have training in just a few hours." 

I just turn around and look at her sleepy face she hasn't got much of sleep lately since she doesn't seem to find a good position to sleep in in with her big belly. 

That's possibly also why she is constantly wishing for the baby to finally come out and her being so cranky all the time. I wrap my arms around her and just cuddle up to her. 

I love sleeping with her head on my chest and my arms wrapped around her it just makes me feel loved and I know that she is protected and safe. 

"What has got you thinking so hard?" 

Even though I don't really want to burden her with my worries, I also know that she won't stop asking till I tell her. 

"I just don't want to leave you alone right now. You know how afraid I am that something will happen while I'm away. What if I can't be there for the birth and you have to go through everything alone. I could never forgive myself for that." 

"Oh Rafa." She looks up and caresses my cheek. 

"Your mother will be here the whole time so don't worry. And you will only be in Madrid for two days. We will just talk to our baby and ask him or her to wait for some more days. Besides it's your job and I know you will do just perfect." 

That's right we are going to play Madrid in the El Clasico in just two days and what makes it even worse is that it's an away game so I will be away for two whole days. 

We have already arranged with my mother to live here these days but I would still feel more relaxed if I were by Rosalina's side. 

"But what if it really happens while I'm away?" 

"Nothing I will go to the hospital with your mom and everything will go perfectly fine. But we won't worry about this scenario till he really happens." 

If I'm honest this doesn't soothe me one little bit. 

"You know I really hope everything will go alright but maybe we could at least decide on a name before I leave tomorrow so when it actually happens he or she at least has a name and won't just be 'Baby Alcantara'" 

Rosalina laughs and I absolutely love this sound. 

"Sure, if it makes you sleep." 

I can clearly see how tired she is right now but she still wants to make me happy and I love that about her. Since the baby's name has been on my mind constantly for the last week I have already made a list of the names I liked. 

So now I just lean to my nightstand and get ahold of the paper I have written them on. 

"Have you seriously made a whole list. You know that we will probably just choose the first name that comes to our minds when we see our baby." 

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