31. Chapter

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Rafinha's POV

She gave me another chance. Rosalina gave me another chance! I still can't believe it. And she kissed me too. I won't ever let her go again. 

Rosalina is perfect and not only is she the perfect woman for me too. Even though she could live just a happy life with another, better man she still chooses me and gives me another chance. 

She sure is an angel from heaven. First thing in the morning I showered put on some decant clothes and made my way to court. 

Just as I promised I will try everything to get my part of the custody for Julia back. 

I know I may not deserve it but I love her with all my heart and I couldn't live along with all this guilt inside me. 

Julia should be able to live in a healthy, happy family and this can only be assured when I fight for her and Rosalina. Which totally is what I planned. 

"Good morning, how may I help you?" 

The lady at the front desk asks me as I enter the giant house. "Well, I need someone who is going to help me with custody." 

"Ah, yes, firstly I need to know your name and what exactly the matter is." I'm such a dumbass, how can I forget to introduce myself. 

"Sorry, I'm Rafael Alcantara do Nascimento and I'm here to get back my part of the custody of my godchild Julia Alfaro." 

She quickly types in the information, or whatever she needs to write, into her computer. After reading something on the screen she calls someone. 

In the meantime I don't have anything to do but stand there waiting for her to tell me where to go or what to do. 

"So Mister Alcantara you can go to Mister Rodriguez. His room is on the second floor the third door on the right. He is waiting for you there." I smile and thank her. "And good look." 

I only nod before quickly running up the stairs, but very carefully too since I don't want to strain my already injured knee. 

I knock and just a second later I hear a friendly voice telling me that it's ok to enter. Behind the desk, which is standing in the room, a nice looking man is sitting, smiling at me. 

"Hello, Mister Rodriguez." He quickly stands up and shakes my hand. "Good morning, I have already heard that you are here because your godchild Julia."

I nod. "Well, since I wasn't there during the court date, I can only rely on the report." Not totally sure why he is telling me this right now, I just nod and wait for him to continue. 

"First of all you need to know that nothing I'm going to say is official, you still will have to go through another court date and checks." Once again I only nod. "So Mister Alcantara." 

"Please just call me Rafinha, I'm not that old." 

"Okay, Rafinha. It doesn't look that bad for you, since there isn't anything else suspicious found in your file. 

Therefore I would say you have good chances to get your part of the custody back, but you sure will have to go through a control where they not only surprisingly visit you at your house, to see if it's okay for a child to live there and you will also have to go through a talk where they just ask you questions about your life but also about your job and such. 

So actually they just see if you are fit to look after a little girl."

A big smile takes over my face. This is incredible. Sure I came here today to fight for Julia, but I didn't think that it would be that easy. 

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